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When to Know When to Make the Right Decision

Having a place to keep garbage is essential for businesses of all kinds, but what type of trash storage does your company need? Whether your company would do better with a dumpster or trash compactor depends on a few different factors. Keep the following in mind when you need to choose the right trash storage for your business.

Company Budget

The amount of money in your budget is another factor to consider. Keep in mind that you’ll need to include the cost of dumpster moving equipment in your budget if you decide to go with a dumpster. Trash compactors can help you save money, since they don’t need to be emptied as often.

Amount of Garbage

The amount of garbage your company produces on a regular basis is one of the most important factors to consider. Companies that produce smaller or moderate amounts of garbage can use a dumpster to hold it until a local waste hauler empties it, which usually happens once a week or every other week. Companies that produce large amounts of garbage on a regular basis should look into getting a trash compactor. Trash compactors are able to hold more, since they compress the garbage inside them each time they’re filled.

Pest Concerns

If your property has problems with rats, mice, cockroaches or other pests, then you might be better off with a trash compactor. These tend to have tighter seals compared to dumpsters, which helps prevent pests from getting inside.

If you’re interested in dumpster moving equipment for your business, please visit DJ Products. We carry a wide selection of high-quality equipment that can help your business reduce the risk of injuries, save time and cut down on manpower hours.