Shred It! Don't Put Personal Information in Your Dumpster
Shred It! Don’t Put Personal Information in Your Dumpster

Identity theft is a big and thriving business. In addition to competing against other companies in your industry, you must be vigilant about properly destroying personal information and sensitive documents. DJ Products can help you save money, prevent injuries to employees, and maximize manpower with products like our battery-powered dumpster moving equipment. If you are throwing away any documents containing personal information, shred it properly first.

Old tax forms were left in open dumpster

The East Bay area NBC affiliate reports a Fremont certified public accountant assumed the documents placed in a dumpster near his office were going to be burned by the waste management company. The tax forms containing personal information and Social Security numbers were left fully intact in the open dumpster for several days prior to being discovered.

The local CPA, Ed Robinson, is retiring and claims he didn’t know the documents needed to be shredded prior to being placed in the unlocked bin. Robinson says he will pay for a company to shred the papers.

Dumpster diving to obtain sensitive information

While most companies would not be so negligent as to leave the personal tax information of customers or employees in an open dumpster, they must be ever-vigilant about proper disposal of any documents containing sensitive information.

Rodents and other pests are constantly looking for ways to enter homes or businesses. The same is true of the vermin who would like to steal credit card numbers of customers or other confidential information from your company. Always shred before placing sensitive documents in a dumpster.

Trash-related injuries are also the #1 risk for workers. Dumpster moving equipment from DJ Products can improve trash room efficiency and lower your Experience Modification Rate (EMR). Contact us for more information.