Black Friday has come and gone, but the holiday retail rush is far from over.  There are still a few very hectic and very high volume weeks of shopping left for retailers to hit their projected sales numbers.  These last few weeks require stock crews, customer service personnel and cashiers to do whatever it takes to serve the masses of customers coming through the doors.

In some of these retail environments hourly employees will responsible for cart retrieval, which can be a very labor intensive and potentially dangerous duty if the proper equipment isn’t available.  A simple addition of a battery powered shopping cart retriever can make this job safer, easier and far less time consuming. 

Manual cart retrieval requires and employee to try and strong arm as many carts as he or she is capable of handling across a cold and busy parking lot.  Depending upon how many carts have made it out into the lot, this could take several trips back and forth through parking lot traffic over a reasonable amount of time. 

A shopping cart retriever allows a single employee to easily maneuver up to fifty carts at once across a parking lot, potentially getting the entire job done easily in a single trip.  This is not only a much safer scenario for the employee responsible, but will take much less time and free up valuable hands to help service the customers inside of the store.

A busy retail store needs empty shopping carts inside of the store for customers who are ready to shop, but getting them there doesn’t have to be a labor intensive hassle.  A shopping cart retriever takes one of the most difficult and time consuming tasks of a busy retail store and allows it to be completed effortlessly in a fraction of the time.