Summer vacation will soon be here and at this time of year many families are traveling with kids and pets in tow. These guests will certainly keep your staff on its toes…and you don’t want any unsteady carts running over any toes (staff or guest). We offer powered carts for hospitality environments such as resorts and hotels. Keep your operations running efficiently during this buy season with…

A Powered Housekeeping Cart that can get rid of the need for a staff member to push a heavy housekeeping cart using his or her own strength.

A Powered Dirty Linen Cart that will allow a staff member can transport soiled linens safely through hallways without fear of having an overloaded cart full of things that need to be washed spilling.

A Motorized Clean Linen Wire Cart that can help staff quickly replace linens without having clean linens spill out and needing to be rewashed.

Each of our motorized carts has a variable speed twist grips that allows the operator to travel at speeds of 0-3 mph forward or backward. This helps to ensure that they can be operated safely or moved out of the way if necessary. In a packed hotel of resort, staff may not be able to completely avoid customers but you can reduce collisions with energetic children or other staff members when you provide the right kind of equipment. You can also reduce instances of injury and muscle strain because with the demands of summer, your staff will have more to do and you do cannot afford to lose staff members to preventable injuries.