This time of year is particularly busy for the hospitality industry.  More families are traveling to see relatives during the holidays, which means quite a few more guests in most hotels. 

Increased volume of guests results in a more demanding workload for cleaning crews.  This can cause employee fatigue and lead to either diminished work performance or possibly injury if the proper equipment isn’t available for employees to use.

Hotels that already have an arsenal of manually operated linen and cleaning carts may not be too eager to take on the investment of replacing them all for motorized carts.  By purchasing motorized retrofit cart kits these hotels can lighten the workload on their employees and dramatically increase efficiency without a large burden of cost.

Motorized retrofit cart kits can be installed on just about any manual cart to immediately make it more powerful and easier for employees to use.  The long lasting batteries can keep your linen or cleaning carts running steady for an entire eight hour shift without needing to be recharged.  This means that your employees won’t be forced to face unnecessary interruptions at crucial points during their shift and that rooms will be cleaned and ready for new arrivals.

The motorized retrofit cart kit provides enough power to easily maneuver fully loaded carts weighing up to four thousand pounds across just about any surface.  Your employees will have no problem travelling with a loaded cart on carpets, concrete or tile at speeds of up to about three miles per hour.  A motorized retrofit cart kit gives you the opportunity to immediately make the workplace safer for your employees and increase efficiency, without a large investment.