Our TrailerCaddy solutions offer customers more efficient operations, increased safety, and improved performance compared to a yard dog or shunt truck. With a small footprint, the battery-powered TrailerCaddy is easily maneuverable and anyone can operate the unit at a moment’s notice. Trailers can be relocated in lots by a single person with the ability make tight turns in a crowded or limited space. Watch the below video to see the TrailerCaddy in action. If you have questions or would like more information, please reach out to a Sales Engineer via Chat or phone: 800-686-2651. Find out more about the DJ Products trailer dolly line. We have wheeled cart moving solutions for trailers, cargo trailers, RV’s, semi-trailers, and boat trailers.

Revolutionizing Trailer Movement: The Power of TrailerCaddy
In the world of heavy-duty trailer movement, efficiency and safety are paramount. Enter the TrailerCaddy, a game-changing solution designed to simplify the process of moving