Trucks Waiting To Be Filled In a Distribution Center Trailer Yard.
Distribution Center Trailer Yard

Truckyards are a hub of constant activity for distribution centers and warehouses. Our Trailer Dolly relieves the burden involved in many of the physical tasks, but how do you manage overall yard functions to keep everything running smoothly? Use these five helpful tips for more effective yard management.

1. Automate truck arrival and exiting processes.

No matter how quickly employees load or unload a truck, gridlock will set in if they can’t get trucks in and out of the yard efficiently. Implement tracking technology for accurate notifications when trucks arrive and depart.

2. Use signs to identify yard zones and post information.

Put yourself in the shoes of a brand-new driver arriving at your yard. Would you know where to go and what to do, or would you be frantically searching for someone to help you? Make sure all drivers are greeted with plenty of appropriate signage to help them easily navigate the yard.

3. Track key performance indicators.

As any motivational expert will tell you, measurability is a key element of strong goals. Employees are more motivated when they know exactly what they need to accomplish and they can see the results of their efforts. Key performance indicators, also known as KPIs, provide specific targets that allow workers to focus their efforts more productively.

4. Monitor safety and compliance.

Do employees cut corners in order to make deadlines? If safety procedures are sacrificed in the interest of speed, it’s bound to catch up with your operations in terms of costly fines or even more costly injuries. Use your yard management system (YMS) to track safety violations and related data to identify areas of concern.

5. Make training and education a priority.

Help employees internalize proper procedures to the point where they become second nature. Train team members in best practices and protocols across the entire spectrum of operations, from arrival of trucks through loading and unloading to departure.

Choose the Trailer Dolly from DJ Products

The battery-powered Trailer Dolly is just one of our eco-friendly and cost-effective solutions for all your material handling needs. Use our handy online chat feature to learn more from our knowledgeable Sales Engineers.