How your warehouse functions and makes use of its available space can have a tremendous impact on your profit. To anyone not familiar with your business, managing the storage, movement, and shipment of goods and material may appear simple. But you know otherwise. Regardless of the size or purpose of your warehouse, there are a few basics tips that can improve productivity.

Organize to optimize

Real estate and monthly leases can be costly. You do not want wasted space or to have workers tripping over non-essential items and having to move materials more times than is absolutely necessary. Streamline order pulling and restocking based on which products move, or need to move, most often.

Consider ROI when buying equipment

Order picking and shipment is the most important logistic process in your warehouse. Products and shipment sizes vary. Versatile material moving equipment like cart movers can work in tight spaces and move any cart. By having reliable and easy-to-use material moving equipment readily available, you reduce back strains, injuries, and damage to product.

Re-evaluate and re-slot

Do not stay with a process that is not working just because it was a good way to do things previously. Many companies get locked into a slotting method that can’t adjust as their company and orders evolve. By reducing the travel time in order picking, you can reduce labor cost, damage to product, and reduce injuries.

Our knowledgeable and courteous Sales Engineers can help you improve efficiency in your business and warehouse with the material handling equipment that is best suited to your needs. You can reach them at 800.686.2651 or by using the online chat feature.