DJ Products, Inc. of Minneapolis has introduced a motorized clean linen wire cart that transports clean linens used for housekeeping in the hospital and hospitality industry. The Motorized Linen Cart eliminates the manual pushing of heavy clean linen carts, especially where carpeting makes them difficult to push. The powered cart is motorized for moving clean linens used for daily duties in hospitality and hospital environments.Motorized Linen Cart

Due to their aging work force, changing work environment, or new OSHA related safety regulations, thismotorized linen cart helps eliminate the strains and pains of pushing these heavy carts. Employers report a decrease in work-related injuries and employee turnover, while they experience an increase in employee productivity and job satisfaction.

Workplace injury and illness costs American businesses $171 billion annually. Workers’ compensation claims add another $60 billion to that annual price tag.More than a quarter of those claims are for back injuries from repetitive lifting, pulling, pushing and straining, according to the National Council on Compensation Insurance. OSHA reports that back injuries cost U.S. businesses $12 million in lost workdays and $1 billion in compensation costs each year. The time-lost cost of a single injury is estimated at $26,000.

The motorized clean linen wire cart can haul loads up to 700 lbs. The motorized cart has a variable speed twist grips that allows the operator to travel at speeds of 0-3 mph forward or backward. With its heavy duty, 24-volt motor being powered by two 12v batteries, their motorized carts can perform without re-charging for an entire shift. Their motorized clean linen wire cart can be customized to any application or any environment.

For more information about applications and environments conducive to the Motorized Clean Linen Cart, or any heavy cart mover application, call DJProducts at 1-800-686-2651, or visit them