If you’re reading this, the odds are that you’ve either experienced low back pain or you will sometime in the future. Low back pain is the leading cause of  work-related disability and a frequent reason for job absences. It’s also the second most common neurological disorder in the United States, behind only headaches.

These injuries frequently occur on the job because one of the main causes is lifting heavy objects, particularly over a period of time. This can result in a sprain or spasm in one of the back muscles or ligaments. Minor injury such as this often improves after a short period of rest.

More serious problems occur when your back is subject to repeated stress. This can result in a bulging or ruptured disc which in turn places pressure on a nerve. Irritation of the nerves is what causes the pain. If this pain becomes chronic, the situation can continue to deteriorate and work activities become increasingly difficult. Repeated injury also causes buildup of scar tissue which makes the back less flexible.

Material handling jobs involve conditions that can easily result in lower back pain. If your work involved moving large carts and other equipment, material handling tugs like our Power Tugger will help prevent injury. They enable one person to easily handle loads of up to 10,000 pounds. Ergonomic design means they also place less stress on your upper body.

Whatever your material handling needs are, DJ Products has a solution that fits. Our Sales Engineers are standing by at 800.686.2651 to answer any of your questions.