If you’re looking for advice on family dynamics, the U.S. military might not be the option that leaps to mind. In reality, the challenges of managing a massive workforce that’s continually on the move make the military a unique source of tips on how companies can support employees and their families.
Managing Career and Family: How to Succeed at Both
• Working parents have difficulty balancing the demands of the job against sharing quality time with their families. Show consideration by keeping their job commitments as predictable as possible. End meetings on time and limit last-minute assignments to true emergencies.
• People often compartmentalize their personal and professional lives, but shifting gears on a dime can actually keep us off-kilter. Encourage employees to settle into a moderate routine that prevents drastic shifts in tone.
• Your company probably offers a quality employee assistance program including counseling and other resources, but people are often reluctant to use them. Bring the program into the open with signs and other reminders placed in highly visible spots and make sure your managers are talking about it with their associates.
• In addition to your formal employee assistance program, give associates help in forming a network of peers, whether it’s online or in person. Working parents can learn a great deal from others who share similar experiences.
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