worker with fork pallet truck
Managing Peak Fulfillment

Warehouse efficiency often centers around getting the job done as well as possible, as often as possible. Failing to master peak demand, however, can be disastrous — when orders are high, your business can’t afford to drop the ball.

In the age of internet ordering and globalization, many warehouses are struggling with small waves of peak demand throughout the year. Gone are the days of back-to-school, Christmas, and construction season dictating the peaks.

Supply chain experts weigh in with tips for handling fulfillment waves:

  • Use the data: SDC Executive stresses the importance of analytics to predict and plan for peak waves. Warehouse execution software helps develop historical insights that can be used for layout and staffing decisions.
  • Cross training: Ideally every worker will be a master of their task, but the presence of staff members who can be deployed in various capacities helps whenever various waves cause spikes in packing or sorting for a few hours.
  • Separate stock: Maintain a section for the most common items and another section with everything, suggests Logistics Management. Or keep separate online and B&M fulfillment areas.
  • Automation is a must: Every expert on fulfillment efficiency agrees that automated solutions are necessary to keep up with modern demand and to stay flexible. Industrial warehouse tugs speed up stocking and picking, while also keeping employees fresh for better productivity.

If peak demand causes trouble at your warehouse, invest in automated materials handling solutions to tackle the core of the problem. Then start using data and managerial insights to fine-tune and look for ways to stay flexible.

Visit for more information on industrial warehouse tugs.