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BlogsMaterial Handling Equipment

Versatile Powered Movers with Various Uses

Unlike some very specialized equipment that you may use infrequently or only for specific tasks, powered carts from DJ Products have a number of uses. For example, if your company has a warehouse that needs ergonomic material handling solutions, then DJ Products has a number of products that could fit the bill, but our products can also be used outside of the warehouse.

Have you considered that those same machines could be used in other ways, like moving for instance? Our powered movers and power tugs don’t just transport raw materials and customer orders; they can also be used for helping one person that needs to move to different office or for assisting when the entire company moves to new headquarters.

There are organizations where the machines used in the warehouse are much too large to be used elsewhere. This is not the case with material handling solutions from DJ Products. Our ergonomic products eliminate the need for bulky and expensive lift trucks and some are designed for lighter loads and areas with pedestrian traffic, making them a great solution for transporting heavy loads in different areas of your business.

One of the advantages to owning material handling solutions from DJ Products is their versatility. While every product cannot be used in all applications, many of our products have more than one application. And if you ever have questions about additional uses for one of our products, please contact us because we would be happy to help you find ways to further use the material handling solution you have or to suggest alternatives that would be more suitable.

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