Warehouse and distribution companies should pay special attention to the trends in workers’ compensation and employee healthcare. Risk expert Mark Walls of Property Casualty 360 examines how businesses are minimizing injury risks and keeping employees productive — and his insights have inspired us with some great new warehouse management tips.
Trends in Workers’ Comp Networks
For workers’ compensation, employers are moving toward outcome-based networks. OBNs send injured workers to care providers with a track record of fast, effective, and quality results.
It’s all part of looking at the bigger picture. Rather than choosing plans based solely on the price tag, OBNs help control costs and reduce unnecessary claims while also finding ways to get workers healthy and back on the job. Better health and less unnecessary claims lead to a healthier bottom line.
Reducing Injuries & Claims for Warehouse Employees
Many workplace injuries at warehouses stem from constant physical exertion, rather than spills and accidents. Manually pushing and pulling carts and equipment places great strain on the arms, back and legs.
Also, businesses using part-time staff should be aware that less-experienced employees are also prone to injuries. Thorough training and ergonomic tools like motorized carts help ensure a safe work environment for workers of all experience levels and physical abilities.
Ultimately, industrial cart movers reduce injuries so a business can expect fewer workers’ comp claims and a healthy workforce. Preventing injuries in the first place is always better than dealing with claims.
For more warehouse management tips, follow the DJ Products blog. Check out our CartCaddy4SC and other industrial electric carts to boost productivity and minimize workers’ comp risk.