Rely on a Car Pusher Instead of Human Strength

In the Superman movies, the superhero demonstrates his amazing strength: he manages to push a car up in order to free people who would otherwise be trapped. You can also find a number of real-life accounts of people somehow finding the strength to lift a car off of someone in an emergency. That adrenaline rush is useful in emergency situations but there is no guarantee that a person will have that same power on an average day.

This is where a DJ Products car pusher can come in handy because even though having a stalled vehicle is an emergency, you may not find that you are suddenly endowed with great strength to move that vehicle. And if your workplace requires cars be moved (across lots or showrooms) you probably do not want to have employees pushing vehicles themselves since this is can bring on undue physical strain and can damage the vehicles.

Plus, while it may be a common practice to move a stalled vehicle using another vehicle, this can damage both vehicles: they may become dented, scratched, or cracked. In contrast, the front push pad of the CarCaddy car and vehicle pusher is made of a soft, durable, padded material designed to preserve the paint and integrity of the back end of the stalled vehicle while also protecting the car and vehicle pusher.

There are limits to human ability and rather than take a chance, it is better to have the proper material handling solution at the ready so you don’t wind up with a damaged vehicle and injured employees.

Move a Trailer Safely and Efficiently with a DJ Products Trailer Mover

You wouldn’t think of pulling or pushing trailer on your own but with a powerful, ergonomically designed trailer mover from DJ Products you can do just that. Our TrailerCaddy trailer mover is capable of pushing and pulling RVs. campers, equipment trailers, and boats. You can use it to transport these items short distances, such as across a show room or down an assembly line. In other words, a DJ Products trailer mover is perfect for moving boats and trailers in tight spaces where a wheeled trailer will not fit. Our trailer movers let you move these kinds of large items in small areas and if used properly, you can minimize the chances that there will de damage to the vehicle you are trying to move or to the items that surround it.

Why take a chance that human effort alone can move a trailer a short distance without damaging it? Our trailer movers can be made to your specification. We can easily customize the electric mover to work with any style trailer and the electric braking system can hold a trailer on an incline to stop the runaway trailers and the accidents that can result when a trailer slides away.

It comes with 3 deep cycle batteries for long run times and extended use between charges, making it perfect for your business, whether you have a rental center that needs to stage rental trailers on a regular basis or a marina where customers occasionally need help preparing their powered boats before launching them.

Check out this video to see our trailer mover in action:

A Shopping Cart Retriever Keeps Shopping Carts in Rotation

If you’re in retail and will soon have shoppers lining up to make purchases, you want them to be able to pile up products…but they can’t do that if there are no shopping carts available. This is where a DJ Products Shopping Cart Retriever comes in handy. It can help your employees round up shopping carts and get them back into the store as soon as possible so no one has to wait for a cart or try to carry lots of items in their arms.

Our cart retrievers do not just make things more convenient for your customers; they allow your employees to work more efficiently and avoid harsh weather conditions, letting them move up to fifty shopping carts at the time. With a DJ Products cart retriever, hourly employees don’t have to spend time attempting to chase every stray cart. With a labor-saving cart retriever system, your employees don’t need to be out in the cold, rain or snow trying to amass all the carts and get them back to the store on their own.

After one of your employees attaches the cart pusher to the back of the line of shopping carts, the employee then stands at the front of the train of carts with one hand steering the line of carts and the other hand using a remote control device that operates the retriever. The employee can them guide the shopping carts from in front and once they are returned to the store and available for customers, that employee can go to get more carts or go on to complete other work tasks.

Avoid Safety Hazards to Make Efficient Use of Material Handling Solutions

Material handling solutions from DJ Products are safe, ergonomically correct, and cost effective. Our battery powered “walk-behind” units make it possible for an operator to have increased control and maneuver with ease, even in the tightest spaces. You’ll find that our motorized carts and powered tugs are easier to control than traditional electric equipment such as fork trucks, walks, or motorized riding tugs. Take a look at our website to find the material handling solution that will work best for your business and keep in mind that our tugs, pushers and pullers can be customized to better suit your needs.

However, as much as our products can assist you in transporting raw materials and products, they cannot rid your workplace of potential safety hazards. offers tips to make sure that your equipment travels smoothly and your employees stay safe:

Fix or report torn carpeting, loose floorboards or tiles, or otherwise unstable surfaces.

Fix or report broken furniture, burnt-out light bulbs or other appliances, and other defective equipment.

Look out for frayed, torn, or otherwise damaged electrical cords, cables, etc.
Keep floors and walkways clear of cords; coil excess cables or use cable ties to keep them out of the way.

Remove obstructions in walkways and (especially) exits.
Safety signs and exit signs should be clearly marked and easily seen.

Never touch electrical switches, outlets, or plugs with wet hands.

Fix or report fire hazards; check the sprinkler system, renew batteries for smoke detectors, have fire extinguishers on-hand.
Use flame-retardant materials.
Label and safely store all combustible items and fluids.

Get Ergonomic Material Handling Solutions and Retain Older Workers

Some older workers, particularly those who work in jobs that require them to use a certain amount of physical strength, are feeling nervous these days. They worry that if it seems like they cannot handle their work, they may see themselves replaced by younger workers. This fear may cause some older workers to attempt too much in order to prove their value to an organization. They may injure themselves not because they are too old, but because they strain themselves to prove their worth.

Today’s organizations need people of various ages to work together. Older workers have experience and know-how that younger workers do not have; young workers have fresh perspectives that can energize operations. Rather than lose older workers, you can see to it that all of your employees have ergonomic material handling equipment that prevents fatigue, muscle strain, and other injuries. You are probably well aware that it is costly to recruit, hire, and train a slew of new employees, so why not invest in making sure the ones you already have remain on the job?

A DJ Products Power Puller can maneuver in extremely tight spaces and ease the work of transporting hospital carts, laundry carts, maintenance carts and parts carts. These types of carts typically are less than 1500 lbs. and are generally maneuvered manually. Due to the nature of these carts’ uses, some organizations mainly assign elderly employees to maneuver them but our power pullers can also help younger employees as well. If our battery power puller is used, risks of fatigue and injury to valuable workers can be reduced.

A Truck Pusher Moves Vehicles Around a Dealership Effortlessly

Car dealerships move a number of cars and trucks over the course of a year and if you run a dealership and have your employees move these vehicles on their own, you should consider giving them some mechanical assistance. The DealerCaddy truck pusher is a multi-purpose battery powered device that aids car dealerships in a number of different pushing, pulling, and hauling functions.

For one thing, you want to make certain that vehicles do no get damaged on your lot. Whether they are vehicles that have yet to be sold or vehicles that were brought in for repair, it is important they remain in good shape.

And, more importantly, you also want to keep your employees in good shape. With the DealerCaddy trailer and truck pusher, an employee can effortlessly push a large vehicle that weighs up to 10,000 lbs. Because the DealerCaddy is ergonomically designed to reduce strain, you don’t have to worry about your service mechanics injuring themselves before or after they are able to work in a vehicle. In their effort to get work done efficiently, your workers may hurriedly try to move a vehicle on their own, thinking they are going to be able to get through a number of repairs quickly. What they may not realize is that they can strain muscles in such a way that they might be away from work for weeks, leaving their co-workers to be strained under a heavier workload.

Our DealerCaddy truck pusher has an adjustable push pad created to contour the bumper on the back of any vehicle. An adjustable height push pad flips back to expose a ball hitch that can pull cargo or a utility trailer from your parking lot into service bays.

Use Powered Roll Pusher to Push Paper Efficiently

When you ask some people what they do for a living, the response you get is, “I push paper.” These people are likely referring to office work where they process or pass along documents. They are not really pushing paper, as much as they are passing it along and with the use of computers, the volume of paper being processed in office environments has decreased.

Even with new technology, there are, however, still people who really do push paper, and lots of it. Paper companies still make paper and it still has to be transported through warehouses and onto trucks and distributed around the world. A paper company may have employees transport paper rolls that weigh up to 10,000 lbs. In the past, they used air pushers, but found that these were not exactly efficient. DJ Products, Inc. offers a paper roll pusher system that can be adjusted to accommodate paper rolls of different heights. The great thing about a powered paper roll pusher is that it efficiently allows rolls of different sizes to be transported while efficiently only requiring a single operator to push and maneuver rolls and there is not need for the limitations presented by air hoses.

And while you can opt to use fork trucks, walkies or riding tugs to move rolls at your paper manufacturing facility, keep in mind that this kind of equipment will require a lot more storage space than is need for the CartCaddy powered roll pusher. Additionally, you can also use a powered roll pusher from DJ Products to transport wire spools as well as paper rolls.

Resorts and Hotels: Get Motorized Housekeeping Carts for the Demands of Summer Crowds

Summer vacation will soon be here and at this time of year many families are traveling with kids and pets in tow. These guests will certainly keep your staff on its toes…and you don’t want any unsteady carts running over any toes (staff or guest). We offer powered carts for hospitality environments such as resorts and hotels. Keep your operations running efficiently during this buy season with…

A Powered Housekeeping Cart that can get rid of the need for a staff member to push a heavy housekeeping cart using his or her own strength.

A Powered Dirty Linen Cart that will allow a staff member can transport soiled linens safely through hallways without fear of having an overloaded cart full of things that need to be washed spilling.

A Motorized Clean Linen Wire Cart that can help staff quickly replace linens without having clean linens spill out and needing to be rewashed.

Each of our motorized carts has a variable speed twist grips that allows the operator to travel at speeds of 0-3 mph forward or backward. This helps to ensure that they can be operated safely or moved out of the way if necessary. In a packed hotel of resort, staff may not be able to completely avoid customers but you can reduce collisions with energetic children or other staff members when you provide the right kind of equipment. You can also reduce instances of injury and muscle strain because with the demands of summer, your staff will have more to do and you do cannot afford to lose staff members to preventable injuries.

Save Money with a Shopping Cart Retriever

We see shopping carts everywhere and think little of them but if you are a retailer who offers them to customers they are one of the many items that you must account for. A DJ Products Shopping Cart Retriever can save you money on to separate fronts:

Reduce Employee Injury
Shopping cart retrievers are great labor-saving devices. Employees that have to round up shopping arts risk possible injury from the physical labor and must deal with weather conditions such as extreme heat and cold, rain, snow and hail. Providing your employees with this mechanical assistance means you lessen the chances that one of them gets injured retrieving carts or calls in sick because of heat exhaustion. And since cart retrieval tends to be the kind of task assigned to new or low-ranking employees, you may not make these employees excited to do this work but you can make this work easier because retaining employees you have trained also saves you money.

Lose Fewer Shopping Carts
The other way that a shopping cart retriever can save you money is pretty simple: The faster you get cart rounded up, the less likely it is that stray carts will be removed from your property. You may lose some carts here and there, but overall you do not want to see a number of your shopping carts either abandoned or being pushed around other parts of town. Retailers have been used to absorbing the loss of shopping carts but you can be proactive and see to it that your carts remain on your property for your customers to use.

Call 800-686-2651 to speak with one of our Sales Engineers about cart retrievers and other material handling solutions.

Increase Efficiency and Safety with a Car Pusher

If you own a car care center or car dealership that offers repairs or then you probably already know that vehicle manufacturers use car pushers to help keep things moving during the assembly process but you may not have considered how a car pusher can be an asset in your business as well. explained why a car pusher could be a good investment:
“A good car pusher is not very big and it is compact, thus allowing pushing and even pulling wheeled equipment. Such a pusher is a good investment because it allows a business to save workmen hours. Imagine for example working in a car repair center and having to push cars around all day long. Your body will be tired and you will have aching muscles or even worse strained muscles.”

A CarCaddy car pusher from DJ Products makes it much easier to move cars, trucks, buses and even RVs. This makes things so much safer for your employees and your customers as well. Your employees will not feel as strained and even if you don’t allow customers near the work area, your facility will be safer overall because our car pushers can help move vehicles even in tight quarters. Workers who experience muscle strain that does not require them to stop working may be reluctant to speak up but their work will suffer and you want your workers at their best.

Call us at 800-686-2651 to learn more about the CarCaddy and other material handling solutions such as electric carts that can make your workplace more efficient.