How To Save Your Business Money

Today’s business climate of increased competition and economic uncertainty makes fiscal responsibility more important than ever. Labor costs are usually the largest part of a company’s budget, with workers compensation claims falling under that umbrella. Many people may disregard those costs, assuming they’re covered by insurance, but disability claims include significant hidden costs that impact your bottom line.

Insurance companies resolve claims by footing the bill for medical costs and wage replacement. However, a study by the Stanford University Department of Civil Engineering found that indirect costs of workers compensation claims often exceed the direct costs. These hidden expenses can include:

  • Hiring and training replacement labor
  • Overtime costs associated with reduced efficiency due to the loss of a skilled worker
  • Administrative time on the part of employees involved in claim processing
  • Clean-up and repair of any damage to equipment or facilities

Some claims may also result in OSHA fines, legal fees and other liability costs.

Incorporating top-of-the-line safety measures is the most effective way to prevent workplace injuries. Material handling activities generate a major number of injuries due to the physical effort involved, making this a vital area to implement better procedures.

Our comprehensive line of electric tugs, tows and pushers is designed with workplace safety in mind. They’re powerful enough to allow a single person to easily move up to 50,000 pounds. In addition, they’re equipped with ergonomic features like variable speed twist grips to prevent repetitive stress injuries.

Our friendly and knowledgeable Sales Engineers are ready to assist you in finding the perfect solution for your particular application. Call 800.686.2651 to find out how you can become a member of Team Cart Caddy.

A Light Cart Caddy To Do Big Jobs

Good things come in small packages, and when it comes to healthcare material handling solutions they don’t come smaller and better than the CartCaddyLite from DJ Products. This compact electric puller is mighty enough to allow a single employee to move up to 1,500 pounds.

Workers routinely have to move bulky items like linen carts through hospitals, nursing homes and other facilities. Narrow hallways and tight spaces create a high likelihood of damage and injury. The CartCaddyLite can pivot a full 180 degrees under its arm attachment, allowing for smooth turning without jackknifing.

According to OSHA, 20 percent of workplace injuries involve back strain. Thanks to the power of its 24-volt electric batteries, use of the CartCaddyLite greatly reduces the possibility of injury. Our cart puller accelerates smoothly up to three MPH in both forward and reverse, allowing the operator to follow without the risk of sudden, jerky movements.

The CartCaddyLite includes other ergonomically designed features such as a variable speed twist grip to help eliminate repetitive stress injuries. A safety stop switch at the back of the handle bar box allows the operator shut down the puller immediately in case of emergency.

Make sure your healthcare facility can focus on treating patients instead of your own employees. The CartCaddyLite is one choice from our comprehensive line of electric-powered material handling solutions. Call 800.686.2651 or use our convenient online chat feature for assistance from our friendly Sales Engineers. They can help you join Team Cart Caddy with the right selection for your particular needs.

Upcoming Material Handling Conventions

We help you stay on top of your game with cart caddies to improve your warehouse and facility productivity and safety. Industry conferences help you get ahead of the curve by connecting with industry leaders to discover new techniques, best practices, and exciting new products.

Here are upcoming material handling conventions to attend:

Handling Expo 2014

November 27 to 30, 2014

Cairo, Egypt

A huge convention with exhibitors from the US and around the world, this international event will draw reps from global firms. Learn about the art and science of worldwide material handling and distribution and enjoy an exciting trip to Egypt.

Material Handling Equipment Distributors Association

2015 Annual Convention & Exhibitors’ Showcase

April 18 to 22, 2015

San Antonio, TX

The 2015 MHEDA conference will be held two weeks earlier than usual next year. The JW Marriott Hill Country Resort & Spa in San Antonio will host the event, featuring four days of informative talks and discussions with leaders from around the industry.

SIL 2015

17th International Logistics and Material Handling Exhibition

June 9 to 11, 2015

Barcelona, Spain

This international conference features showcases and education on material handling segments such as forklifts and cart caddy solutions, industrial transportation, and related fields such as telematics and logistics.

MODEX 2016

Bi-Annual Show

April 4 to 7, 2016

Atlanta, GA

The next MODEX will be held in April 2016 at the Georgia World Congress Center in downtown Atlanta. You can view webinars online from the last MODEX to get a taste of the show.

Plan on attending? We’ll be at many upcoming conferences to showcase our cutting-edge ergonomic cart pushers.

What’s the Most Expensive Employee Injury?

Employers have tons of incentive to worry about workplace injury: in addition to employee welfare, getting hurt on the job costs employers billions every year.

When you think about employee injuries, you might think about scary incidents like fingers getting caught in equipment. However, it’s the built-up effects of repetitive tasks and physical labor that lead to the most expensive injuries in the workplace. These are the same injuries that can be prevented by ergonomic material handling solutions.

Let’s look at the most expensive employee injury: overexertion.

Overexertion: Pushing, Pulling, & Lifting Our Way to Injuries


The largest direct costs for employers stem from overexertion injuries. According to the Liberty Mutual Research Institute for Safety, overexertion includes physical tasks like pushing, pulling, lifting, carrying, holding, and throwing. Such injuries added up to more than $14 billion in direct costs in 2011.

When including indirect costs, the numbers can increase exponentially. Indirect costs include lost time, loads of paperwork, and increased insurance premiums.

All told, the most expensive employee injuries include (with annual cost as of 2011):

  • Overexertion ($14.2B)
  • Slip-and-fall ($13.5B)
  • Struck by object/equipment ($5.6B)
  • Motor vehicle accidents ($2.4B)
  • Repetitive motions ($2.0B)

Ergonomic equipment like the CartCaddy help prevent multiple causes of these expensive injuries. By reducing the heavy exertion and repetitive tasks of many jobs, workers avoid some of these big worry sources, and also have more energy and focus to avoid other injuries.

If rising insurance costs, fear of worker compensation claims and a focus on workplace safety are important in your industry, talk to us about CartCaddy safety solutions.


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Practical Tips for Warehouse Managers

Have you heard of management by wandering around? Just like it sounds, the tactic involves randomly walking around to learn about your employees and the productivity of your workplace.

For warehouse managers, this tactic holds particularly fruitful because you need to watch over your employees as well as your inventory and equipment.

Consider the benefits to warehouse productivity that comes from strategically walking around:

  • Get a complete picture. Walk around at different times and randomize your path, and you can make more accurate assessments.
  • Make discoveries. See things from different angles, and you may spark an idea that boosts productivity or efficiency. You might see how one worker accomplishes a task more efficiently than with another person’s method.
  • Gain trust and respect. You don’t want to be seen as simply someone in an office. Walking among the employees helps build camaraderie, and that leads to more open and honest communication.
  • Avoid calling employees into your office. Some employees feel stress and anxiety when called into your office. If you have to talk to someone, they may be more comfortable with a casual chat in the warehouse, if appropriate.
  • Shake up your work day. Improve your own productivity by breaking up your work day. Walking around adds variety to your day, helping you focus more on work when you get back to the office. Plus, it always helps to add a little physical activity to your day.

Warehouse managers need every advantage possible. Just as our motorized cart movers can have an incredible impact on your efficiency and productivity, so can smart management.

Material Handling Product Sales Are Booming – All The Way to 2018

The proper material handling equipment helps companies operate more efficiently and protects employees from accidents and back injuries. It reduces the damage that can occur to materials during movement and storage. Increased competitiveness in all industries requires every business to look for ways to maximize their available space, improve customer service, and lower indirect labor cost. Research by the Freedonia Group shows more industries are implementing advanced automation equipment and investing in material handling equipment to ensure their continued success.

Mike Deneen is a senior industry analyst for the Freedonia Group. Deneen says much of the strong gains for material handling equipment will be in the area of large-scale factory automation and automated guided vehicles (AGVs) that contribute to automated warehouse environments. He expects U.S. demand for AGVs and robotics to increase by about 6 percent, with durable goods manufacturers accounting for half of the material handling equipment demand through 2018.

In addition to manufacturers and global distribution companies seeking to reduce labor cost, more small service and trade companies are also recognizing the benefits of energy efficient products like car pushers and electric lift trucks. These easy-to-use pieces of equipment can move cars and trucks of up to 20,000 pounds on a flat surface, increasing productivity for mechanic shops and car dealers, while protecting employees from injury and keeping vehicles damage-free. With a low-maintenance design and simple 36 volt, 3 battery system, these car pushers have little maintenance cost.

DJ Products has a full line of energy efficient caddies and tugs for any size business. Contact our knowledgeable Sales Engineers at 800.686.2651 to discuss which solution best fits your individual material handling needs.

Warehouse Productivity Tips

How your warehouse functions and makes use of its available space can have a tremendous impact on your profit. To anyone not familiar with your business, managing the storage, movement, and shipment of goods and material may appear simple. But you know otherwise. Regardless of the size or purpose of your warehouse, there are a few basics tips that can improve productivity.

Organize to optimize

Real estate and monthly leases can be costly. You do not want wasted space or to have workers tripping over non-essential items and having to move materials more times than is absolutely necessary. Streamline order pulling and restocking based on which products move, or need to move, most often.

Consider ROI when buying equipment

Order picking and shipment is the most important logistic process in your warehouse. Products and shipment sizes vary. Versatile material moving equipment like cart movers can work in tight spaces and move any cart. By having reliable and easy-to-use material moving equipment readily available, you reduce back strains, injuries, and damage to product.

Re-evaluate and re-slot

Do not stay with a process that is not working just because it was a good way to do things previously. Many companies get locked into a slotting method that can’t adjust as their company and orders evolve. By reducing the travel time in order picking, you can reduce labor cost, damage to product, and reduce injuries.

Our knowledgeable and courteous Sales Engineers can help you improve efficiency in your business and warehouse with the material handling equipment that is best suited to your needs. You can reach them at 800.686.2651 or by using the online chat feature.

Featuring the Paper Roll Pusher

Material handling equipment must perform on multiple levels to be effective. In addition to protecting employees from injury and allowing them to move large, heavy materials, it must do all this in an efficient manner, and the operator controls need to make maneuvering the product easier than any other feasible alternative.

The Paper Roll Pusher

CartCaddy Roll PusherPaper rolls and wire spools are among the most difficult products to move around manufacturing environments. Any material handling equipment must be capable of handling these extremely heavy spools, while also having a way to control momentum. The CartCaddy Roll Pusher uses an easily adjustable roller system that is mounted on its front to push against the bottom of paper rolls and other round objects.

Total control for the operator

Applying pressure to the CartCaddy increases the traction of the drive wheels. The front-mounted rollers move the reel forward by rotating in the opposite direction. The operator controls momentum with the variable speed of the handlebar controls. When the operator slows the CartCaddy Roll Pusher, the rolling product also slows.

The CartCaddy Roll Pusher uses a 36 volt, 3 three battery system to move round objects up to 20,000 lbs. The charger works with 120/220 Hrz outlets. It has adjustable and custom rollers. The rollers extend beyond the cart’s profile to facilitate picking out rolls lined next to one another.

Regardless of your industry, DJ Products has a full line of material handling carts that will improve the efficiency of your business. Call 800.686.2651 to discuss your unique needs with one of our courteous and knowledgeable Sales Engineers.

Got Extra Temp Warehouse Staff In – Here’s How to Help Them be Productive

The busy times that call for temporary staff also call for the highest level of warehouse productivity and performance. When your warehouse brings in extra staff, use these tips to get the most out of everyone:

Set Clear Expectations

Make sure temp workers know exactly what their job entails and how they can meet your expectations for productivity. Avoid vague instructions and describe the real tasks that are going to be assigned.

Focus on Specific Tasks

A regular full-timer probably handles some tasks that require significant training. Pool your temp talent toward the tasks with the least training. If you can assign a small scope project or break down a normal position into separate parts, even better.

Keep Everyone in the Loop

Communicating with a larger-than-normal staff can be difficult, but it’s worth the effort. If temp shifts do not coincide with daily or weekly meetings, take minutes from the meetings and brief the temps. If possible, stagger shifts so that you have periods of time when all workers are present. Keeping temp workers informed also increases productivity by boosting morale.

Set Rules & Protocol for On-Call Shifts

First, make sure you have home and cell numbers for all extra staffers. Then, touch base with everyone about availability for on-call shifts and establish a system for adding hours. If you might need extra coverage, temp workers will appreciate the consideration and accommodate on-call shifts more easily.

All workers can benefit from the productivity boost of ergonomic material handling products. Maximize efficiency by outfitting your warehouse with cart movers and other motorized solutions.

Need Temp Help in Your Warehouse? Who You Gonna’ Call?

Warehouse productivity depends on having a trained staff of people to move your products. Occasionally, temporary help is required to cover shifts or regular full-time employees who are on vacation or illness leave.

In other situations, you may need temporary personnel to store an incoming shipment or send out shipments of your products. You need to use a temporary service that has experienced people available when you need them.

A temp service can also provide people that you may eventually want to hire full-time.


The temp staff must be able to quickly learn about your products and how they are used. A car lot using the Car Caddy electric car pusher from DJ Products may need temps who will learn quickly how to use this product when vehicles are delivered. This product will move cars and trucks easily around a lot.

DJ Products also uses temporary help to move products, including the Car Caddy, during extra busy operations.


Temporary personnel should know all of the warehouse safety precautions including forklift operation requirements. This includes operating powered movers, carts, pullers and retrieving items from top shelves and ledges. They should be familiar with any required safety equipment such as hard hats and vests.

A reliable temp agency will assess the skills and experience of temporary help before they are assigned to a warehouse job.The agency will qualify that the temp is familiar with various movers and other equipment.

Contact DJ Products, manufacturer of a variety of products for warehouses that are easy and safe to use. This includes power movers,  tuggers, dumpster movers and other products for industrial use.