Successful Ergonomics Program Requires Strong Leadership

With President-elect Obama and a Democratic Congress poised to enact tough ergonomic standards within the next year, we’ve been discussing the financial, production and personnel benefits of implementing an ergonomic program (see our Nov. 24 & 26 posts). Being proactive in creating a wellness-focused corporate climate will enhance your ability to compete in the future. Implementation of a strong ergonomic plan and a move to ergonomically-designed equipment has been proven to increase production efficiency and decrease healthcare costs.

The success of a comprehensive ergonomics plan is dependant upon the support of top management, the creation of demonstrable goals and measurable results, and, most critically, the provision of effective employee education and training coupled with strong program leadership.

Effective education, training and leadership. Thorough education and onsite training of employees is critical to the success of a new ergonomics program. Education about the features and processes of a new ergonomics initiative must be backed up with onsite training.

As workers become familiar with new features and practice new processes, the provision of adequate onsite supervision is critical. Workers need time to learn new skills and procedures and change long-established habits. Continuous supervision not only reinforces raining, but reveals areas that require adjustment. Ask your employees for input. People who perform the tasks often spot potential problem areas in new procedures and provide keen insight into productive solutions.

In an article published in New Hampshire Business Review, Mike Kind also recommends selecting a “champion” to spearhead a new ergonomics initiative. Designating a person with clear oversight over the program facilitates implementation of the original initiative and subsequent revisions. It creates a clear chain of command easily accessible by both management and workers. It centralizes the dissemination of information and collection of review data, improving analysis quality and speed.

A recognized industry leader in the design and production of ergonomically-designed material handling equipment, DJ Products provides a useful Ergonomic Load Calculator on our website. Created to assist ergonomic and health and safety professionals in designing ergonomic programs, our free calculator estimates the amount of horizontal force necessary to move wheeled loads. By inputting vital data about your specific application, including floor condition, terrain, footing, load weight and transport distance, our Ergonomic Load Calculator calculates the specific needs of a given application.

DJ Products’ ergonomic specialists are also available to assist you in evaluating your ergonomic needs. We’re the experts in finding creative solutions to ergonomic issues in the workplace. Give us a call today and let us help you position your business for the future.

Tips to Improve Warehouse and Distribution Productivity

There are three key areas to consider in improving productivity at your warehouse, distribution facility or fulfillment center:

  1. Information flow must match physical flow. When the flow of information matches the physical flow of goods, inventories can be better managed and storage, pick-and-pack and retrieval operations can be streamlined, increasing productivity. It is important to realize that optimal inventory does not necessarily mean minimal inventory. To efficiently manage inventory and the flow of goods, look beyond weekly order statistics. Today’s global market demands consideration of complex logistics. If goods must be shipped from distant or multiple locations, maintaining a higher inventory of certain products can enable faster and more efficient customer response. Gathering maximum information about each specific facet of your operation allows you to discern customer and supplier patterns and the interrelationship of the many logistical factors that connect them. Developing a thorough understanding of “the big picture,” puts you in position to more effectively and efficiently direct the flow of goods through your facility.
  2. Know and improve your total operation first. Before implementing new technology, particularly before engaging in the requisite evaluation that precedes a major change in your operation, make certain you have a thorough understanding of every aspect of your present operation. Current processes should be honed and improved to maximum efficiency and productivity before embarking on the time, expense and training involved to implement new technology. A thorough understanding of your total operation will enable you to make optimal use of current processes and pinpoint areas that can best profit most from new technology.
  3. Automate where possible. As labor becomes more expensive and laborers become harder to find, automation is the key to increasing productivity. With the Baby Boomer generation reaching retirement age, the traditional U.S. workforce is beginning to shrink. There are fewer people available to replace the retiring workforce, and fewer young people are seeking jobs in warehousing, distribution and fulfillment. A smaller available workforce will be in a position to demand higher wages. Increased automation and, where automation is not possible, the use of equipment that allows a single worker to accomplish more tasks in less time can decrease necessary workforce and labor costs while increasing efficiency and productivity.

Battery Powered Tugs Position You for Future Success

The woes of the U.S. auto industry should serve as a cautionary tale for the rest of us. To weather the current economic storm, U.S. businesses must embrace the future, maintain flexibility, manage labor and rein in expenses (see our Dec. 12 post). While we certainly hope the economy improves more quickly, economic experts interviewed on CBS’ 60 Minutes last night estimate it could take as long as three years to bring the U.S. economy back to a robust state. Business decisions you make now and in the coming months could well determine whether you’ll still be around to enjoy the economic resurgence when it comes.Moving to DJ Products’ innovative, ergonomically-designed battery powered tugs and electric carts could position you to compete successfully now and into the future.

  • Embrace the future. President-elect Obama has made a commitment to American workers to mandate safe work environments. Backed by a Democratic Congress, material handling industry experts predict a quick reinstatement and expansion of the ergonomic workplace safety rules initiated by the Clinton administration but rescinded by President Bush. Being proactive about workplace safety not only positions you to meet future OSHA requirements, it sends a positive message to workers and can be a powerful public relations tool in an era when Americans use purchasing power to support their own political agendas.
  • Maintain flexibility. DJ Products’ versatile battery powered tug provides maximum flexibility to meet the changing needs of your business. From heavy-duty assembly line pushers to compact cart pushers that can maneuver around obstacles in populated corridors, our battery powered tug will grow with you to meet future challenges.
  • Manage labor. DJ Products’ compact, highly maneuverable, battery powered tugs and carts allow a single worker to perform tasks that often require two to three workers when performed manually. Our ergonomically-designed movers maximize worker safety, eliminating the physical strain associated with pushing, pulling, lifting and carrying tasks. Workers are able to work more efficiently, improving productivity.
  • Rein in expenses. Electric and battery-powered tugs are cheaper and more energy-efficient to operate than gas or diesel-fueled lift trucks. But it’s the ergonomic design of our products that will provide the greatest benefit to your bottom line. Ergonomics has been proven to reduce worker injury, reducing expensive medical, insurance, workers’ compensation, disability and lost man-hour costs. Businesses typically recoup their investment in ergonomic equipment within the first year.

To find out more about DJ Products’ innovative battery powered tugs and carts, visit our website. Give us a call and let one of our ergonomic experts show you how DJ Products can help position you to compete successfully in the future.

New Retrofit Cart Kit Removes Strain From Common Tasks

DJ Products has introduced a revolutionary new motorized retrofit cart kit that takes the pain and strain out of common tasks performed by many workers in a broad section of U.S. jobs. Designed to be mounted to almost any cart, this new retrofit kit can increase usefulness, flexibility, efficiency and worker safety in a wide variety of environments, including applications in hospitality and resort, hospital and healthcare, food service, retail, distribution and warehousing, vending, casino, banking and a host of other industries.

Designed to enhance and improve the capacity and flexibility of your cart investment, DJ Products’ retrofit cart kit is ergonomically designed and motorized to eliminate the musculoskeletal strain placed on workers when manually maneuvering heavy carts through the work environment. As America’s workforce ages, the risk of bodily injury increases as workers struggle to push and pull heavy carts from place to place and into position for use. Particularly common are back and muscle injuries that usually require expensive, long-term treatment and account for considerable lost man-hours.  A single back injury can cost a business $26,000 in time lost.

Employers who have installed DJ Products’ retrofit powered cart kit on their carts have reported a significant decreased in work-related injuries and employee turnover. Hand-in-hand has come improvement in employee efficiency and productivity. Employees have also expressed increased satisfaction with their jobs, a common phenomenon when employers act in their workers’ best interest to safeguard health and safety.

Able to power carts up to 4,000 pounds, DJ Products’ motorized retrofit cart kit is equipped with ergonomically-designed, variable-speed twist grips that allow forward and backward motion at speeds up to 3.2 mph. The motorized kit can move carts over a wide variety of surfaces, including carpet, tile, marble, cement and asphalt. Powered by two heavy-duty 12-volt batteries, the 24-volt motor in DJ Products’ retrofit cart kit is powerful enough to perform for an entire shift without recharging. Customizable to any application or environment, the DJ Products retrofit cart kit can be field installed by the customer or DJ Products can provide onsite installation.

For complete specifications and to view the revolutionary DJ Products motorized retrofit cart kit in action, visit the DJ Products website.

Obama’s Mandate to Transform America

“The deepening recession creates the opportunity for federal intervention and government experimentation on a scale unseen since the New Deal,” wrote Charles Krauthammer in a column for the Washington Post Writers Group that was widely published last month. Krauthammer is one of many Beltway watchers who have been predicting “a domestic transformation as grand as Franklin D. Roosevelt’s” once President-elect Obama takes the oath of office barely a week and a half from now. Krauthammer believes that Obama’s statement, “This painful crisis also provides us with an opportunity to transform our economy to improve the lives of ordinary people,” presages what will become the key thrust of the new president’s administration: the transformation of America from the ground up.

It’s hard to argue with Krauthammer’s view, particularly given the details about the President-elect’s economic stimulus plan and jobs initiative that are beginning to trickle into the press. As Krauthammer points out, the current situation is a community organizer’s dream and that’s always been Obama’s self view. He sees himself as a world changer but it’s his own world he most wants to change. He’s got Hillary Clinton and Robert Gates on board to keep the dogs of war at bay so he can focus his energies on rebuilding America.

The economic meltdown and jobs crisis have given Obama the public mandate to foment massive changes in governmental policy. People are clamoring for help and looking to Obama to provide it. A definitive win in November and the healthy Democratic majorities that rode into the House and Senate on Obama’s coattails gave him the political mandate and clout to drive new policies through Congress. The massive bailout funds already approved, with another huge chunk of money on the way, put at Obama’s disposal what Krauthammer calls “the greatest pot of money in galactic history.” Combined, current social, economic and political forces would seem to give Obama almost unlimited power to effect change.

That change is certain to increase regulation, government oversight and red tape. Bush administration regulations that critics say weakened the EPA and OSHA at the expense of environmental responsibility and worker safety are expected to be rescinded by Obama’s team in favor of measures that place the burden of responsibility and expense of accountability back on the doorsteps of manufacturers and American business owners.

Next time: Rolling with the punches; taking a proactive approach to coming change.

How DJ Products Can Help You Be a Survivor

As we’ve said in this space before, it’s going to take a firm hand on expenses, the guts to embrace innovative ideas and products, and the flexibility to act quickly when opportunities present themselves to survive the current recession.  DJ Products’ ergonomically-engineered carts, tugs and movers can help you get the jump on the competition and position your business to move boldly — and successfully — into the future.

Cost effectiveness, worker safety, healthcare issues, energy and environmental concerns, immigration and a changing workforce — these are among the most powerful issues that confront businesses owners today. Customers, workers, the public and the government will all be watching how we address these issues in the course of business. It’s no longer enough to produce a fine product. Today, we’re also graded on how we produce that product and the cost or benefit to our workers and the environment, not just our customers. Government oversight and a watchful press have added a few links to the food chain.

Here’s how DJ Products’ ergonomically-designed carts, tugs and movers can help you successfully meet these challenges:

  • Cost effectiveness is key when every penny counts. When DJ Products’ ergonomic carts and movers are integrated into your workplace or production operation, full return on investment is typically realized within the first year or two through increased production and worker efficiency and decreased healthcare, disability and workers’ compensation costs.
  • Worker safety is one of the issues at the top of President-elect Obama’s to-do list. Stricter OSHA regulations regarding ergonomic issues are expected early in his administration. During his campaign, Obama promised workers a safer work environment which industry experts predict will mean tougher ergonomic standards and increased government oversight. Implementing an ergonomic program built around DJ Products’ carts, tugs and movers will put you ahead of the game as regulations tighten up. Ergonomically designed to take the physical burden off your workers, DJ Products’ carts improve workplace safety significantly.
  • Healthcare issues will be another key thrust of the incoming administration. Many of the plans being discussed in the press will increase the already difficult healthcare burden on employers. Ergonomic equipment is a proven way to significantly — and immediately — decrease employee medical, insurance and disability costs.

To be continued on Friday

Part 2: How DJ Products Can Help You Be a Survivor

Recently, we’ve been talking about the recession, workplace initiatives and increased regulation expected from the incoming Obama administration, and what it will take to position your business to survive the rocky road ahead. A tight grip on expenses, the willingness to embrace innovative ideas and technology, and the flexibility to take advantage of opportunities as they present themselves will be the hallmarks of companies that rise above the competition to succeed.

Many powerful issues will confront American business owners in the days ahead. Cost effectiveness, worker safety, healthcare issues, energy and environmental concerns, immigration and a changing workforce are among the challenges that we will face. Business owners who are proactive in addressing these challenges will position themselves to succeed. A leader in the design and manufacture of innovative, cost-effective, ergonomically-designed carts, tugs and movers, DJ Products can help you successfully meet the coming challenges. Continuing our Wednesday post, here’s how DJ Products can help you move ahead of the competition:  

  • Energy and environmental concerns are expected to take center stage with the Obama administration billing itself as the “green team.” Alternative energy products that decrease our country’s dependence on oil will receive increasing support as will products that decrease the nation’s environmental footprint. DJ Products’ battery-powered electric carts, tugs and movers use clean energy and have the staying power to work a full shift without recharging.
  • Changing workforce patterns are expected to create new challenges for businesses and industry as immigrant workers comprise an increasing portion of our country’s labor force. Language and cultural issues are expected to impact work environments and job efficiency. Intuitive ergonomic controls on DJ Products’ powered movers and carts make them easy to operate and control, bridging any potential language barrier. Our customers report an extremely brief and highly satisfactory training curve when our products are introduced into the workplace.

For complete information about DJ Products’ ergonomic carts, tugs and movers, visit our website. On our website, you’ll find a helpful Ergonomic Load Calculator that can help you or your company’s safety and health specialist estimate the amount of force necessary to move loads in your workplace. The program considers a number of variables specific to your work environment and makes product recommendations that can be used to improve both workforce and production efficiency.  Contact one of our industry experts today to find out how DJ Products can help you be a survivor.

Free CartCaddy Demo Program Lets You Try Before You Buy

If you’re a businessman, you know that marketing and sales can get a customer in the door and make that first sale, but it’s superior customer service that keeps customers coming back. The management and staff of DJ Products are dedicated to providing our customers with superior service. If you have a material handling problem, our trained sales engineers can help you find a cost-effective, ergonomic solution that will improve production efficiency, benefit employee health and safety and improve your bottom line.

That’s a tall order for one of our compact, fuel-efficient, highly-maneuverable CartCaddies, but we know our equipment. We’re so certain of our product, we offer a free demo trial program. Try before you buy! Contact us and one of our sales engineers will make arrangements for you to receive and utilize a CartCaddy cart pusher at your facility before you buy. Put our ergonomically-designed, easy to maneuver, extremely versatile CartCaddy cart movers to the test in your own environment before you decide to order. It’s a good way for you to get to know us and experience first-hand the superior customer service that keeps our customers coming back.

A typical response from our demo program is this comment from C.F. at Admiral Beverage Corp.: “Tried it, all is well! Just send the invoice for payment.”

Here’s what some of our other customers have to say about DJ Products’ innovative CartCaddy carts, tugs and movers and our superior customer service program:

“Very impressed with the unit and love it!” said M.W. of Mark Webber, noting that the unit shipped sooner than expected.

“The CCShorty is working great. We haven’t had any problems with it. I will share this with other Weyco. Thanks for checking on us,” said J.G. of Weyerhaeuser, pleased with our follow-through customer service.

“The CartCaddy 5WP is working very well. The service you provide is great and it will be a pleasure to do future business with you,” said S. F. of Weyerhaeuser.

“Easy to operate, lots of power! Just like you said!” raved S.P. of Advanced Barrier Extrusions.

“First try worked flawlessly; all folks like it. Very maneuverable; talking about buying second unit,” noted a pleased R.R. at Aerospace.

“You did a great job adapting it to our containers,” said B.W. of Air Products, noting our ability to engineer and build to order.

“They got all five units. The one extra unit was for their gift shop and they LOVE it. They are very pleased with all the units; made their job so much easier,” said L.S. of the Arkansas Children’s Hospital. The hospital’s L.F. added, “Very pleased with your service and assistance … been a pleasure working with you.”

“Folks surprised at how fast it goes,” said A.P. of Airforce Research. “Slicker than they thought!!”

“The unit they have now; they want another one! Sending over PO# for two units,” said A.B. and Add Vantage.

Building the Workforce of the Future

Even before the economy took a dive, material handling industry experts were warning of coming changes to America’s workforce that could have far-reaching implications for U.S. businesses. America’s population is aging. By 2015, the over 65 population will increase by more than 20%. At the same time, the number of people getting started in the workplace, those 25 to 39, will grow by only 6%. And even more alarming, the population group that has traditionally formed the core of America’s workforce, those aged 40 to 54, will shrink by 5%. Businesses need to prepare now to deal with a younger, smaller U.S. workforce.

But that’s only part of the problem, said Gary Forger, Senior VP of Professional Development for the Material Handling Industry of America (MHIA), in his keynote address at ProMat 2009 earlier this month. The fast pace of technological change and the need for constant learning and retraining may present the biggest challenge. Where it used to take 12 to 15 years for skill sets to before becoming obsolete, it now takes less than 3 years. “It is estimated that 39% of the current workforce and 26% of new hires will have basic skill deficiencies,” Forger said. Unfortunately, America’s future workforce may not have the “live to work” ethic of their predecessors. Tomorrow’s worker will be seeking a better work-life balance, placing higher value on “work to live.”

While coming changes in workforce demographics will present significant challenges for U.S. businesses, Forger said it will also present unique opportunities to improve productivity and performance for companies able to exercise flexibility. Forger suggested that those opportunities are likely to be found in unexpected places. Companies may find it productive to pair old and new workers, he said. New workers would bring advanced technological skills to the table; older workers, knowledge and experience. Automation is expected to increase to allow smaller workforces to maintain production. The need to accommodate aging workers will place increased emphasis on ergonomic equipment.

As the number of U.S. workers dwindles, the material handling industry should prepare for an increasingly multi-cultural and multi-lingual workforce. Forger said recruiters may need to target new work groups, such as “Hispanic women reentering the workforce.” Retention efforts may need to become more flexible and more creative, offering different incentives to differently-motivated groups. In the future, advancement, employee satisfaction and responsibilities may provide better retention results than basic pay. How companies address work-life balance issues is also expected to play a key role in employee retention.

Ergonomic Scissors Lift Adjusts to Workers’ Heights

Bending, twisting and reaching all day long can have workers reaching for the Tylenol well before the day is over. These muscle-torquing activities lead to aches, strains and sprains that slow workers down and can eventually cause musculoskeletal injuries that entail multiple doctor’s visits, costly physical therapy and time off from work, placing an added burden on fellow workers who have to pick up the slack.

This was the problem being experienced by an Ohio manufacturer of aftermarket exhaust systems. Management noticed a high level of sprains and strains reported by workers. Investigation found the culprit to be the awkward positions workers assumed while performing production and packing tasks.

Workers come in different shapes and sizes but, as is true in most facilities, materials were delivered to work stations at a single, stationary height. Since few workers fit the “ideal” height around which equipment and tasks were designed, this meant that most workers, being either shorter or taller than the “ideal” height, were forced to bend, stretch, and strain to perform their work tasks. In the process, they overtaxed and injured muscles.

Company management sought a solution in ergonomics. Ergonomics is the science of fitting equipment and tasks to the capabilities of the worker to eliminate strain on the human body. Ergonomic design allows equipment that will be used by multiple workers to be adjusted to fit the size and capability of each individual. 

In the case of the Ohio exhaust manufacturer, the perfect solution proved to be an ergonomically-designed, portable scissor lift. The portable scissor lift allowed relatively heavy parts (120 lbs.) to be quickly moved from one station to the next. The power scissor feature permitted each worker to quickly and easily adjust the lift bed to the optimal height for his size. The result was virtual elimination of musculoskeletal injuries, an increase in productivity from 65% to 88%, and increased on-time delivery.

The problems experienced by this Ohio company are common to many industries, including manufacturing, fulfillment, packing, logistics, shipping and warehousing. DJ Products’ PWP2000 Cart Puller mobile electric lift table could be the perfect solution for your facility. Our ergonomically-designed, self-propelled electric scissor lift is available in a variety of shapes and sizes for various applications. Our lift tables deliver work items to the appropriate height every time. Combine our lift table with our PartsCaddy mobile platform truck and workers can easily move fully-loaded lift tables from one station to the next without physical strain. With 16 hours of battery life, DJ Products’ electric movers can stay in continuous operation through two shifts with ease.