A Dumpster Mover Can Be a Lifesaver in the Summer Heat

DJ Products makes material handling solutions to eliminate strains and pains that can come as a result of pushing heavy loads using carts and other wheeled equipment that was not designed to work in concert with the human body. Many of our applications are used inside of warehouses, hospitals, hotels and other facilities that may offer air conditioning to counteract summer heat.

However, if your employees need to move waste containers, compactors and dumpsters, there is a good chance they will be doing this work outside, under the hot sun. So, in addition to helping protecting an employee from musculoskeletal strain, a DJ Products Dumpster Mover or Waste Container Puller will help them to not overexert themselves when the temperatures rise. Our powered movers are designed to aid in making work efficient so your employees will have a reduced risk of heat stroke and exhaustion since they will not be pulling and pushing heavy dumpsters or other waste containers using their own strength or poorly designed carts.

One of our dumpster movers or waster container pullers can turn a three or four person job into a one person job, whether the application is needed in an apartment building, a condominium complex, a shopping mall, hotel, or an office or manufacturing complex. And having a material handling solution such as this will also be of great benefit if it is necessary to push a trash container up an incline, be it a sidewalk or a ramp to get into a building.

To learn more about material handling solutions and to hear about how we can customize them for your specific needs, contact one of our Sales Engineers at 800-686-2651.

Move Construction Waste Efficiently with a DJ Products Dumpster Mover

Building something new often requires getting rid of what was there before. Working on construction and renovation projects means that you are likely to encounter a lot of debris and waste that needs to be disposed of properly. It can be difficult to progress if your workers have to navigate debris to complete their tasks. One way that you can make the work go faster and prevent workers from being injured doing cleanup, you can use a dumpster mover from DJ Products.

DJ Products’ WasteCaddy dumpster mover pulls heavy trash and recycling containers and dumpsters, turning a three or four person job into one that one person can handle. Rather than have your employees manually push large dumpsters, possibly causing injury due to overexertion, a DJ Products battery powered waste mover can push or pull heavy dumpsters or trash bins over asphalt and through snow and ice.
The compact, ergonomic design allows the WasteCaddy dumpster puller to maneuver in tight areas, so you don’t need to worry that it will be too bulky for construction and renovation projects in small areas. For example, you can move a dumpster through a small alley or among other heavy equipment.
Moving debris and waste is a part of the work you do but it is not where you want to concentrate your efforts. This part of your projects can be made much more efficient with
an ergonomically designed dumpster mover. You can see to it that dumpsters full of waste are moved quickly and without taking away too many workers from more important tasks.

Call us at 800-686-2651 to learn more about the WasteCaddy and our other ergonomic material handling solutions.

Transport Waste and Recycling Safely with Waste Container Movers

According to the Clean Air Council, “In 1960, each person in the US only generated 2.68 pounds of waste. In 1970, the figure was 3.25. However, Americans’ recycling has improved since 2000, when the average American generated 4.65 lbs of waste per day, and only 29% was recycled.” Whether the objects we’ve used are being thrown away or being recycled, they need to be safely transported from where we live to other facilities.

DJ Products is the world leader in providing battery-powered cart pusher and assist tug puller solutions to the manufacturing, hospital, distribution, and retail industries.
Many of our motorized carts are used in flat surfaces, but workers using our dumpster mover may need to move a dumpster or other large container on an incline. Safety is paramount in all situations where workers need to transport heavy objects but even more so if there is an incline involved. Employees that have to manually push a heavy trash or recycling container up large inclines to the street may become injured due to overexertion. You can prevent this when you invest in a DJ Products battery powered waste mover. In fact, our dumpster movers could make a task that might have once required three or four employees into something that one employee can do on his or her own.

A DJ Products WasteCaddy waste container mover has a powerful 36-volt motor can maneuver dumpster from 500 lbs. to 10,000 lbs. Our dumpster mover can help prevent employee injury throughout the year as employees move heavy containers on flat surfaces or inclines and if there is a need to push or pull a dumpster over asphalt and throughout snow and ice.

Dumpster Mover has Big Benefits When the Weather Heats Up

Many warehouse and distribution center employees dread the thought of manually hauling a heavy dumpster during the frigid temperatures of winter.  In reality though, this job isn’t any better and could potentially be even more dangerous during the blazing heat of the summer.

Dumpsters that are fully loaded can easily weigh several thousand pounds and designated pick up areas could conceivably be hundreds of yards away from the compactor.  Employees that are required to tackle this task without the proper equipment are at a serious risk of injury regardless of the weather outside.

Employers who are interested in increasing productivity and keeping workers safe should consider adding a battery powered dumpster mover to their equipment arsenal.  The battery powered dumpster mover from DJ Products can easily handle waste containers weighing up to ten thousand pounds.  This easy to use piece of equipment instantly takes a job that would be difficult for two or three employees to handle and makes it safe for a single employee.

The battery powered dumpster mover from DJ is also highly maneuverable which makes it an ideal piece of equipment for any warehouse environment.  A single employee can quickly and safely navigate a fully loaded dumpster down narrow hallways, through bay doors and even up steep inclines with the dumpster mover. 

The dumpster mover is also virtually unaffected by changes in the seasons.  This versatile tool operates just as well while traveling over wintery conditions like snow, slush and ice as it does during the brutal heat of the summer.  The battery powered dumpster mover is a great addition to any warehouse or distribution environment where employers want safety and efficiency to be top priorities.

Reducing Employee Risk of Injury with a Waste Container Puller

The weather outside is beginning to break and while that might make some tasks that require being outdoors a bit more pleasant it doesn’t do much to improve the experience of manually waste removal.  Employees responsible for dragging full, exceedingly heavy dumpsters or recycling containers to the point of pick up are still at great risk of suffering injury regardless of the current temperature. 

In some work environments a dumpster must be moved a distance of several hundred yards from the place where it is stored and filled to the location where it will be pick up.  Moving a fully loaded trash container over that great a distance without the proper equipment can lead to problems like overexertion, muscle pulls or strains or a variety of other injuries.

Businesses that want to reduce the chances of employee injury when it comes to trash removal need to ensure that their employees have access to the appropriate equipment for the job.  A waste container puller from DJ Products can make the task of moving a heavy, fully loaded dumpster from the compactor to the point of pick up much easier and less stressful for employees.

The powerful battery operated waste container puller is capable of easily handling a fully loaded dumpster or recycling container weighing up to ten thousand pounds.  When using the waste container puller your employees will experience no trouble travelling over a variety of surfaces. This versatile piece of equipment is also capable of allowing employees to safely and easily navigate a variety of ramps or inclines.

Manually moving heavy waste containers can result in a wide array of injuries that require extensive medical care.  Work related injuries can not only cost a company quite a bit in the form of worker’s compensation claims, they can also hamper productivity by causing employees to miss work.  Adding the waste container puller to your company’s equipment arsenal can instantly increase employee efficiency and make the work environment much safer.

A Dumpster Mover Minimizes Employee Exposure to Harsh Conditions

Manually moving a heavy waste or recycling container can be physically taxing during perfect conditions.  If your employees have to face this demanding challenge in less than favorable weather conditions the chance for injury is even greater.  A fully loaded dumpster can weigh upwards of several thousand pounds.  Attempting to handle this massive amount of weight on rough or slippery terrain, without the proper equipment, could be a recipe for disaster.

Investing in a powerful, battery operated dumpster mover is a perfect way to minimize the stress and strain of this task and to keep employees safer.  The dumpster mover from DJ Products allows a single employee to easily handle a loaded dumpster that weighs up to ten thousand pounds.

Depending on where your waste and recycling dumpsters are located in your facility and where they need to be stationed for pick up, the job of manually taking out the trash could be a mammoth undertaking.  Using a dumpster mover will cut down on how many people and how much time are needed to complete the job.  The dumpster mover from DJ can safely tackle inclines and declines, gravel, snow and ice while pushing or pulling the heaviest of loads to keep your employees safe from overexertion and other possible injuries.

The worse the conditions are outside, the more difficult and strenuous jobs like waste removal become.  If you want to keep your employees safe and minimize wasted time, you need to provide them with the proper equipment to handle the job.  The powerful and ergonomically designed dumpster mover from DJ Products gives your employees everything they need t o haul and deposit the heaviest of dumpsters as quickly and safely as possible, regardless of the conditions outside.

A Dumpster Mover Helps Increase Efficiency for Busy Retail Season

As we move past the Summer and into the back half of the year, it means one thing to retailers – beefing up inventory in preparation for the holiday season.  In an effort to make this year’s numbers look a little bit better than the numbers of the last few years, retailers are going to have to stock more product and make a serious advertising push in order to get the customers in the door, but what many retailers fail to prepare for in this seemingly simple strategy is the trash removal portion of the equation.

With each and every extra box of product that you bring into your store for sale, you increase the amount of trash that will be going out and the weight of the dumpster that will have to be pushed into a position to be emptied.  If you don’t have the proper equipment, like a dumpster mover, to move those full and heavy dumpsters you could be decreasing the time that your employees have to stock shelves and help customers and what’s even worse you could be putting them at risk of injury.

A full dumpster could top out at several hundred or maybe even several thousand pounds depending upon what it is filled with,  which could be far too much for an employee to handle pushing or pulling manually but with the help of a dumpster mover a waste container loaded up to 5000 lbs poses no problem at all.  The dumpster mover from DJ Products can easily allow a single employee to quickly and easily mover a waste container of anywhere from 500 up to 10,000 pounds over rough terrain and in tight quarters with no problems at all.  With a dumpster mover, your employees can get that heavy dumpster where it needs in time for pick up and then quickly back to where you store it to be filled again in a much shorter time and none of the strain that would have resulted from a manual move.

Eliminating the Overexertion of Trash Removal

Full dumpsters and trash containers need to be stationed at the right place and at the right time in order to be picked up.  This is critical for apartments, condos and retail establishments that accumulate trash quickly because missing a pick up could potentially create a build up of waste and unsanitary conditions.  For this reason, employees are often asked to do whatever it takes to get the waste container to its destination, which could potentially compromise safety and put employees and property at risk.

The process of getting the heavy waste container, which may weigh in at a few thousand pounds or more, to its destination could involve employees having to push or pull the dumpster over several hundred feet over rough or hilly terrain.  This can be a very dangerous undertaking for one, two or even three employees regardless of the weather, but the high temperatures of the Summer or the ice and snow of the Winter can greatly increase the chance of overexertion and injury.

The battery powered WasteCaddy from DJ Products lets a single employee safely maneuver a fully loaded trash container over any distance and any type of terrain with no worries at all.  The very reliable and ergonomically designed waste container mover makes this job that usually requires multiple employees an easy task for just one employee.

Using properly designed equipment to maneuver heavy dumpsters and recycling bins drastically reduces the chances of injuries, while at the same time increasing productivity by allowing the job to be completed by one employee instead of two or three.  The job gets done faster, easier and with less of a chance of injury or property damage and this is an optimal situation for both management and the employees.

Making Maintenance Easier in Hotels and Apartment Complexes

Working as a porter or on the maintenance crew in a hotel or apartment complex can be an excellent job with good pay that never gets boring.  Depending upon the environment that you work in, your duties may include everything from snow removal in the Winter and landscaping in the Summer to plumbing, electrical and general contracting.  In this line of work there is never a dull moment, but there can be some very stressful and laborious moments if you don’t have the proper equipment on hand to deal with one particularly messy job – trash removal.

Manual trash container removal, especially in complexes that have a large number of apartments, can be a very difficult process.  When a wheeled dumpster gets loaded to the brim or contains some bulky items from tenants who are moving out or redecorating can get exceedingly heavy and potentially dangerous to move manually – this can put porters and maintenance crew members at great risk for injury.

In order to make maintenance crew members safer while performing this less than favorable part of their job as well as more efficient, it helps to have a motorized dumpster mover or waste container puller.   The trash container movers from DJ Products allow one employee to quickly safely and effectively pull the trash container from even tight quarters and get it stationed where it needs to be for pick up.

Even a completely empty dumpster is heavy enough to pose a risk if employees are attempting to manually move it on their own.  With a dumpster mover or trash container puller from DJ Products you can ensure the safety of your maintenance crew and make this task go from the least desirable on the list to one that everyone will volunteer to perform.

Taking the Pain Out of Trash Removal with a Power Mover

No one likes to take out the trash. At home, it’s the bottom feeder on the chore list. At work, it’s the back breaker no one wants to tackle. But taking out the trash is one of life’s necessary evils. However, the backache and muscle pains that make workers grumble when given trash duty can be avoided. An ergonomically-designed power mover and dumpster movers eliminate the potential risk of musculoskeletal injury from trash removal operations.A nationally recognized leader in the manufacture of ergonomic material handling equipment, DJ Products makes two products specifically designed to eliminate the pain and strain of pushing heavy trash and recycling containers and dumpsters. Compact and easy to maneuver, this power mover can be used to move trash receptacles through buildings, across plant floors, through parking areas or to street level for curbside pick up.

  •  WasteCaddy Dumpster Mover makes it easy to reposition heavy dumpsters and recycling containers from inside plant areas to outdoor removal sites, move dumpsters from underground parking lots to trash compactor and bailing sites, or transport dumpsters to street level for curbside pick up. The versatile dumpster mover makes it possible for a single employee to move heavy receptacles that require the manual muscle of three employees. DJ Products’ power mover can maneuver dumpsters from 500 to 10,000 pounds. 
  • WasteCaddyLite waste container puller is designed to pull heavy waste containers down hallways or narrow aisles to consolidation points. Extremely maneuverable in tight spaces, DJ Products’ power mover can move containers up to 10,000 pounds. Use to move waste containers at apartment or condominium sites or through hospitals to refuse removal points.

Utilizing DJ Products’ ergonomically-designed power mover may not increase volunteers for trash duty, but they’ll certainly eliminate complaints about sore backs and achy muscles. Now, if we could only do something about the smell. Ask about our free demo trial program.