The Right Tool for Tight Trash Room Spaces

Waste Caddy Is Your Solution for Tight Trash Spaces.
Waste Caddy Is Your Solution for Tight Trash Spaces.

Do your employees expend unnecessary time and energy maneuvering dumpsters from tight trash room spaces to curbside pick-up spots? With the WasteCaddy, a battery-powered ride-on dumpster puller from DJ Products, a single employee can handle this difficult task with ease.

Improve Productivity and Efficiency with a Dumpster Puller

The WasteCaddy measures only 27″ wide so it can navigate narrow trash rooms and tight corners equally well. A bolt-on receiver and cotter pin construction forms a sturdy connection to any trash container, and the steel frame and three 36-volt batteries are powerful enough to pull up to 5,000 pounds.

The path between the trash room and curbside pick-up spot is rarely a smooth one. There may be an incline leading up to street level, or bad weather conditions can create snowy or slippery areas. Thanks to foam-filled tires and electric power, the WasteCaddy travels well on any surface.

Reduce Workplace Injuries and Insurance Claims

Since the trash room presents the highest risk of injuries in multi-family properties, use of our dumpster puller is considered a best practice by property management companies. Safety features include:

• Maximum speed of 6 MPH in forward and 2 MPH in reverse

• High-tech speed controller

• Adjustable acceleration and braking

• Neutral throttle braking

• Variable speed thumb twist grips to prevent repetitive motion injuries

DJ Products: Your Solution for Effective Material Handling

In addition to the WasteCaddy, we carry a full line of battery-powered tugs, movers and pullers. Call 800.686.2651 or visit our website and let our friendly sales engineers help you choose the best solution for your company’s needs.

Cut Workman’s Comp Claims with a Dumpster Mover

Buy a Waste Caddy to Lower Injuries Today!
Buy a Waste Caddy to Lower Injuries Today!

What’s the price of workplace safety? According to the Economic Policy Institute, 8.5 million work-related injuries occur annually for a total cost of $192 billion.

The National Safety Council names overexertion as the #1 cause of workplace injuries. Many of these incidents occur in the trash room, where employees are frequently moving heavy, bulky dumpsters. Is there a way to reduce this common risk?

Cut Down on Workplace Injuries with a Dumpster Pusher from DJ Products

Workers comp reports list a wide range of injuries, from basic back strains to serious lacerations and broken bones, that are related to trash room operations. Our battery-powered WasteCaddy dumpster pusher takes over the bulk of the task, minimizing the physical strain on your employees.

The WasteCaddy allows a single employee to maneuver bulky dumpsters weighing up to 5,000 pounds, immediately improving productivity by 50 percent. Instead of allocating two employees to the task, you are free to assign the second person to other duties.

The WasteCaddy can be used by employees of any height, age or gender. Still skeptical? Listen to one of our satisfied clients, who says: “It’s like having another employee on staff … The other guy is now available to do more important things, like respond to resident requests. That’s a big deal!”

Can You Afford to Be Without a WasteCaddy?

You’ll be amazed at the difference our WasteCaddy dumpster pusher will make in workplace injuries and workers comp claims. Visit our website today and use the convenient online chat feature to learn more from our friendly and knowledgeable sales engineers.

The Trump Presidency May Boost Department of Defense Contracting Purchases

A new world must prepare for a new presidency.
A new world must prepare for a new presidency.

President-elect Donald Trump has yet to be sworn into office, but he’s already having an effect on some sectors. As Trump prepares to take office, major defense firms are anticipating a surge in defense spending.

Effects of the Election on Defense Firms

Actually, defense firms were expecting an uptick in business even if Hillary Rodham Clinton had won the election. Signs such as solid third-quarter earnings for Northrop Grumman were seen as predictors of healthy defense spending.

While the stock market initially suffered a sharp drop immediately following Trump’s victory, it quickly rebounded to post a record high of 18,808. Gains by defense contractors such as Northrop Grumman, Lockheed Martin, and Boeing led the rally.

Positive Signs Pointing to Increased Defense Spending

Factors behind this surge in optimism include:

• The 2013 budget sequestration implemented significant cuts in military spending. Analysts expect the Republican administration and Republican-controlled House and Senate to work together on eliminating these financial caps.

• During his campaign, Trump vowed to make significant additions to all military branches and argued for fast-track modernization of the country’s nuclear force. At this point, however, there is no specific outline as to how the spending will be funded.

Looking for a Solution to Moving Equipment for DOD Contractors?

Are you prepared for more robust defense spending? Moving equipment for DOD contractors is easier and more efficient with our line of battery-powered pushers and movers from DJ Products. Visit our website and let our friendly sales engineers help you select the solution that best suits your needs.

The Future of Self Driving Trucks May Disrupt the Trucking Industry

Could Self-Driving Trucks be the Next Frontier?
Could Self-Driving Trucks be the Next Frontier?

Trucks without drivers? They may be here sooner than you think, as rapidly advancing autonomous vehicle technology is making self-driving trucks a reality.

Is the Industry Ready for Self-Driving Trucks?

Truck manufacturers, carriers, and the Department of Transportation have supported self-driving trucks as a safety measure. But a recently published study from the American Transportation Research Institute (ATRI) warns that the country’s infrastructure is seriously lagging behind the technology.

The study, titled “Identifying Autonomous Vehicle Technology Impacts on the Trucking Industry,” points out that there is no formal framework in place to cover the integration of self-driving trucks. This void could result in a legal and logistical nightmare.

Catching Up with Technology

According to ATRI’s study, some of the major topics that need to be addressed include:

• Infrastructure funding should be increased to make sure roads are free of potholes and other problems that can hinder self-driving trucks.

• Statutory changes will be necessary for issues such as liability as well as traffic regulations.

• The federal government “must take a leadership role” so that autonomous vehicle technology doesn’t get caught in a snarl of local and state laws.

• Cyber security should be in place to prevent hacks.

Among other benefits, self-driving trucks are seen as a solution to the growing trucker shortage, which the American Trucking Association predicts will reach 175,000 open jobs within 10 years.

Prevent Injuries with a Semi Trailer Pusher from DJ Products

Trucks may be able to drive themselves, but trailers can’t push themselves. Visit our website to learn more about our TrailerCaddy Extreme, a semi trailer pusher that can handle OTR trailers up to 50,000 pounds.