New Logistics Company Roadie Looks to Disrupt Transportation Models

New Ways to Look at Logistics
New Ways to Look at Logistics

Logistics and warehousing companies typically focus on providing services for small, large and medium-sized businesses, but individual consumers could soon have their own version of delivery services to use. Roadie, a new delivery network, plans to focus on providing convenient and cost-effective services for individuals.

Competition for Amazon and Walmart

Amazon and Walmart are positioning themselves as innovative businesses when it comes to delivering goods to customers. Both companies are considering offering delivery services using local drivers instead of relying on major shipping companies. The idea behind this is to reduce costs to consumers while providing even faster service.

Where does Roadie fit into this? Roadie plans on using registered and rated drivers who are already going in the customer’s direction to pick up items and deliver them. This is more of a gig rather than a traditional delivery service, and it’s not just intended for consumer products.

The Roadie Community

Roadie is set up to make deliveries that fall outside the realm of delivering products and purchases to customers. Individuals who need personal belongings shipped or brought to another location and even those who need transportation for pets will be able to make delivery arrangements through Roadie.

The community includes drivers who are registered with the app and have been rated. Individuals who need pickups and deliveries can create a job, review the rated drivers who are available and choose one. While Roadie might not become immediate competition for traditional logistics and warehousing companies, it’s still a good idea to be aware of these trends.

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Truck Cams Assure Proper Accident Documentation and Reporting

Truck Cams May Soon Be On Your Dashboard
Truck Cams May Soon Be On Your Dashboard

Our powered trailer dolly improves safety in warehouse and distribution center yards. Now you can reduce risk for your drivers when they’re on the road with video intelligence systems.

Capturing Real-Time Data on the Road

Did you know that three-quarters of accidents involving cars and semi-trucks are not the fault of the truck driver? Unfortunately, conventional wisdom tends to blame the truck, especially in the absence of solid evidence.

A Minnesota-based company called PeopleNet is hoping to change that. In 2016, PeopleNet launched their Video Intelligence system, which combines forward-, side- and rear-facing cameras to capture a near-360° view around a truck.

In addition to visual data, Video Intelligence captures real-time information, including truck speed and GPS location, for a comprehensive picture of any road incident. This “testimony” is free of any conscious or subconscious bias that can accompany versions related by the participants.

A Constantly Evolving System

Video Intelligence moves beyond the traditional concept of using driver-facing cameras that record an incomplete story. According to Jim Angel, PeopleNet’s Vice President of Video Intelligence Solutions, the company is continually using customer feedback to update and improve the system.

Here are some of the enhancements added just in the first year:

– Executive Summary Dashboards that provide a high-level overview

– A Snapshot feature that offers real-time views of cameras on a specific truck to back office personnel

– Expanded filtering options to identify driver trends

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