Smart Tips for Hiring Pickers for Your Warehouse Operation

Smart Tips for Hiring Pickers for Your Warehouse Operation
Smart Tips for Hiring Pickers for Your Warehouse Operation

Having the right material handling equipment in your warehouse improves productivity, but high turnover rates can quickly negate those gains. Use these tips to recruit and hire qualified pickers and packers for a more stable workforce.

Encourage Employee Referrals

Current employees can often be the best source of quality candidates. Workers feel a sense of pride in making a contribution to the company, and they’re reluctant to risk their own reputation by recommending a substandard applicant.

Some companies offer a bonus program for referrals who are hired, but that can be a double-edged sword. Employees may be tempted to refer someone simply to collect the money, so think carefully before going that route.

Use On-Demand Staffing Platforms

As the industry moves toward more temporary positions, it becomes increasingly counterproductive to spend a lot of time vetting job applicants. On-demand staffing platforms have developed to meet the demand of companies that need pre-screened candidates who are prepared to accept a job immediately.

Fine-Tune Your Requirements

The more specific you are with a job description, the easier it is to find a qualified candidate who matches your needs. As an added benefit, a detailed job description can provide strong evidence against possible discrimination claims.

Offer a Competitive Starting Pay Rate

Research the market to get a feel for what other companies are paying workers for comparable skills and responsibilities. Review your starting pay rates frequently to make sure they’re not falling behind the rest of the industry.

Turn to DJ Products for Your Material Handling Equipment Needs

Employees feel greater job satisfaction when working conditions are optimized. Battery-powered material handling equipment from DJ Products demonstrates your commitment to a safe and efficient workplace. Call 800.686.2651 for more information.

Tips on Boosting Morale and Making Your Warehouse Staff Love Their Job

Tips on Boosting Morale and Making Your Warehouse Staff Love Their Job
Tips on Boosting Morale and Making Your Warehouse Staff Love Their Job

Does it feel like the air in your workspace is so heavy lately that even the strongest material handling equipment couldn’t lift it back up? If laughter in your workspace is but a vague memory, your employee morale needs a boost!

Low Morale = A Losing Business Scenario
Employee morale can make or break a company’s success. Low morale zaps productivity, amplifies grouchiness and lack of cooperation, and increases turnover. Keeping an eye on morale and strengthening it when times are tough are integral to helping your business achieve its goals.

Creative & Easy Ways to Strengthen Morale:

1. Help Employees Understand Their Work Serves a Higher Purpose.
It’s easy for employees to lose their sense of purpose in the daily grind. However simple postings of ‘I Got a Job’ stories from recently hired, grateful job seekers who snagged a spot with the company can help highlight the value of job positions.

2. Celebrate Accomplishments.
In your quest to get ahead, don’t forget to look behind, recognizing significant accomplishments of team members annually.

3. Give Employees the Chance to Recharge.
With adequate time off that grants an energizing break from regular responsibilities, whether in the PTO or creative office party arena. S’mores Friday, anyone?

4. Mix-It-Up.
Doing the same thing day-in-day-out is boring. Shake things up with office Olympics, ping-pong tournaments, or simple impromptu cookout lunches.

5. Have Fun.
Conduct a monthly lotto for participation in a card, board game, or Wii bowling match. Or reward workers with gift cards for play-days at amusement parks or other fun area events.

Boost morale by showing you care with ergonomic material handling equipment designed to prevent injuries, make work easier and more efficient, and reduce labor. Learn more from DJ Products today.

GSA Schedules and GSA Suppliers – The History of the General Services Administration

GSA Schedules and GSA Suppliers - The History of the General Services Administration
GSA Schedules and GSA Suppliers – The History of the General Services Administration

Despite the prevalence of the organization, it can be hard to find a GSA supplier for warehouse equipment. Established in 1949 in efforts to better manage and support the function of U.S. federal agencies, the GSA has a long and colorful history to match its occasionally unusual equipment needs…

An Interesting Combo

Established by President Harry Truman, the GSA consolidated a number of establishments into one organization:

– The National Archives

– The Federal Works Agency

– Public Building Administration

– The Bureau of Federal Supply

– Office of Contract Settlement

– The War Assets Administration

Varied & Versatile

While the GSA’s initial mission was to handle emergency preparedness, stockpile strategic supplies for wartime, dispose of surplus goods, and manage and store government records, it facilitated everything from the regulation and sale of office supplies to the government, to managing hemp plantations in South America.

The organization’s 2 largest offices, Public Building and Federal Acquisition, house over 1-million federal civilian workers, manage more than 480 historic buildings, and facilitate the purchase of goods and services for the U.S. government from commercial vendors.

Among the GSA’s Historical Contributions:

– A 1950s White House overhaul.

– The 1960s creation of the Federal Telecommunications System.

– The 1970s addition of the Consumer Product Information Center/Federal Citizen Information Center, Federal Buildings Fund, and Office of Information Resources Management.

– The 1990s introduction of the Design Excellence Program.

– Electronics and Internet-technology initiatives in the 2000s.

– Work at over 500 American Recovery & Reinvestment Act projects in the 2010s, alongside the Open Government Directive ( and Making it Easier initiative.

Looking for DoD and military equipment designed to step-up safety and boost productivity? From the rare to the run-of-the-mill, for over 20-years, DJ Products has been an innovator and trusted GSA supplier for warehouse equipment. Discover more today.