Same Day Deliveries Fuel Warehouse Growth, But Is It Sustainable?

Powered Carts to Move Warehouse Stock
Powered Carts to Move Warehouse Stock

As e-commerce continues to change the way consumers shop, savvy customers are demanding immediate possession of their purchases just as they would have with brick-and-mortar stores. Retailers and fulfillment services are now in search of facilities and warehouse equipment to accommodate this need.

Most delivery services and third-party logistics providers can handle next-day delivery, but same-day delivery requires a different infrastructure. One real estate company in New York City believes it’s come up with a novel solution.

The Warehouse of the Future?

Innovo Property Group, in partnership with Square Mile Capital, plans to break ground next year on a two-story warehouse in the Bronx. The 700,000 square-foot facility is expected to be ready for tenants in 2020.

Andrew Chung, founder and CEO of Innovo, explains the factors that make the warehouse a game-changer.

– In order to provide expedited shipment, warehouses need to be as close as possible to customers. Unfortunately, urban areas generally have a scarcity of land and restrictive building regulations. Innovo’s warehouse is located in a “sweet spot” that offers access but avoids typical pitfalls of urban construction.

– The Bronx warehouse is designed with size in mind, from the high ceilings that will allow vertical storage racks up to 32 feet to floor loads that can handle capacity of up to 800 pounds.

– Thanks to 90 loading docks, a two-lane ramp and 130-foot truck courts on each floor, the warehouse will be one of only four facilities in the country with multistory direct loading.

Deliver Superior Customer Service with Warehouse Equipment from DJ Products

In today’s competitive environment, you need warehouse equipment that will stand up to high volume and a fast pace. Visit our website to view our extensive line of electric tugs, movers and pushers.

The Pain Continues with the ELD Data Shift for Compliance

ELD Changes for Semi Truck DriversBe glad your powered trailer mover is functioning correctly. Some ELDs still aren’t. ELD pain continues across all sectors, hitting small fleets and independent owner-operators particularly hard, including Jon Hose of Texas, who was issued a false-log violation in Missouri in June of this year following the malfunction of his ONE20 F-ELD.

Out of Production

Using the most inexpensive ELD on the market, Hose’s violation occurred just two weeks before the manufacturer ONE20 stopped support for the device on June 18. ONE20 recently made the news this summer for losing support from its principal investor, owner of PeopleNet, Trimble Companies, after which it stopped production and support of its F-ELD devices.

Out of Luck

Hose noted en-route malfunctions of his ONE20 F-ELD were common. In an Overdrive Radio podcast he stated he’d noticed ongoing issues with the device: Automatic duty-status changes he still can’t explain, despite his master’s in data science. After one such occurrence, he believed he solved the issue and proceeded to his destination, where he unloaded and attempted to return home, but was instead stopped by a Springfield, Missouri officer.

Out of Service

Believing his ELD wasn’t even connected, and noting yet another malfunction Hose couldn’t explain, the officer put Hose out of service with a false-log violation. He has since switched to provider BigRoad, with no issues to-date. Since this master’s in data science couldn’t explain the issue, those hoping for leniency would do better ensuring the right equipment aboard their rigs, allowing access to logs from an admin account (independent) or ensuring a direct line to key support personnel (fleet/partner carrier), or ELD provider.

Out of commission? Powered trailer movers from DJ Products will get you back in action. Learn more from DJ Products today.

Beyond the Dumpster: What’s Trending in the Garbage Collection Industry

Questions on Garbage Collection Trends
Questions on Garbage Collection Trends

The garbage collection industry is relatively straightforward, with the basics remaining largely the same from year to year. Innovations such as our eco-friendly dumpster mover become standard as companies recognize the benefits.

Even so, the industry does find itself periodically shifting in response to domestic and global changes. Here are some significant trends that are affecting waste collection today.

China’s Revised Import Policies

Many industry members point to China’s stringent new policies on importing recyclables as the biggest factor impacting garbage collection today. China once accepted up to half of the world’s scrap paper, plastic and metals, and the changes are leaving countries scrambling to find alternate means of disposal.

The Franchising Controversy

Smaller garbage collection companies fear that franchising, or zoned collection, will hurt their ability to compete on the open market. The largest such franchise to date in the U.S. is recycLA in Los Angeles, which works with Waste Management and six other service providers with a market of more than 70,000 customers.

Integration of Technology

Technology has been a game-changer in just about every industry, so it was only a matter of time before waste collection followed suit. In addition to the use of artificial intelligence and more sophisticated software, the industry will likely begin moving toward more electric or hybrid vehicles with an eye toward autonomous vehicles in the future.

The Zero Waste Debate

“Zero waste” has long been an industry buzzword, but there’s little consensus about what the term means beyond a reduced reliance on landfills.

Waste Collection Made Easier

Our electric dumpster mover is eco-friendly and ergonomically designed to fit your company’s needs now and transition smoothly through the future. Visit our website to learn more from one of our helpful sales engineers.