DJ Products, Inc. of Minneapolis, the worlds leader in walk-behind battery powered tugs and powered boat dollies, has introduced a new powered boat dolly for pushing and pulling large boat trailers. The TrailerCaddy powered boat dolly can easily maneuver boat trailers in and out of a garage, a storage warehouse, marine showroom floor, or a boat and rv show.
The TrailerCaddy powered boat dolly assists in delivering boat trailers to more wide open areas or in and around a storage warehouse for repairs or rearranging. The powered dollies compact size, maneuverability, and variable speed make maneuvering trailers in confined areas easy. The powered boat dolly is a more affordable alternative when compared to a fork truck or a possibly injury resulting from operators manually moving boats or trailers.
For more detailed powered boat dolly information, please visit us online at or call one of our sales engineers at 800-686-2651.
Robots are the ultimate material handling equipment, but their application in the warehouse environment is still limited. While robotic workers are being developed to handle increasingly sophisticated tasks, they lack the ability to sense and react to their surroundings.
This obstacle may be overcome soon, thanks to a Massachusetts tech company. A system known as lidar could be the solution for safer warehouse robots.
Solving the Problem of Robotic Safety
Lidar is a high-tech method used to detect nearby objects, much like radar, but it uses laser light rather than radio waves. While lidar has a a number of applications, it’s gained attention recently as a navigational system for self-driving vehicles.
Massachusetts-based Veo Robotics came up with the idea to use a similar system with industrial robots. Veo’s proprietary lidar program generates real-time 3D maps of warehouses and factory workspaces. The data is used to stop robots if humans are approaching or the robots can’t sense what’s going on around them.
Lidar Hits the Industrial Market
In late 2017, Veo raised $12 million in capital from venture investment firms to finance their project. Kuka is one of several robotics companies allowing Veo to test their technology on their machines.
The completed system is expected to begin shipping to customers this year. At $40,000, the system is roughly one-tenth of the cost of industrial robots and requires less than a day for installation.
Veo co-founder Patrick Sobalvarro projects $1 billion in annual revenue within five years. Sobalvarro hails Veo’s system as the “end of fear” around bulky but fast-moving industrial robots.
Let Material Handling Equipment from DJ Products Do the Heavy Lifting
When your fleet is on the road, they don’t have the advantage of yard trucks to help maneuver through winter driving conditions. Snow, sleet, wind and hail create treacherous roads resulting in costly and time-consuming delays, accidents and injuries.
Make bad weather awareness a regular focus of communication with your drivers during winter months. Professional truckers offer helpful tips for dealing with major hazards of winter driving.
Freezing Rain
Freezing rain, also known as sleet, is one of the more challenging winter conditions as it often produces black ice and low visibility. Once ice begins forming on mirrors and windshields, the best course of action is simply to pull off the road until the freezing rain stops.
Heavy Snow
Snow can be unpredictable, especially when traveling through high altitude areas, and it can take a while before roads are clear enough to travel. Fuel up before beginning a trip and keep tire chains, food and extra clothing on hand.
Strong Winds
When crossing wide open spaces on the highway, even heavy trucks have little protection against strong winds. If winds are making the truck difficult to control, find a truck or rest stop and park between two van trailers.
Intense Cold
When temperatures drop low enough, it can interfere with the truck’s engine running properly. If you’ll be stopped for a while, it might be a good idea to leave the truck on high idle to keep the engine warm.
Save Time and Boost Productivity with Yard Trucks from DJ Products
Time is one of the more valuable resources in the transportation industry. Our Electric Yard Dog is ready when you need it most. Visit our website to learn more about yard trucks and our other tugs, movers and pushers.
The term “yard trucks” may have taken on new meaning for residents near Delaware’s Port of Wilmington. For years they have complained about commercial vehicle traffic on their two-lane road, citing an obscure rule from Delaware Department of Transportation (DelDOT).
Late last year, DelDOT had an official response to the complaints. Unfortunately for local residents, it’s not what any of them anticipated.
Truck Traffic in Residential Area
Pyles Lane is a road frequently used by trucks entering and leaving the facilities of Port-to-Port International Corp., which is in the business of shipping used and wrecked vehicles to Central America. People living on Pyles Lane have complained about incessant noise, vibrations and emissions from the constant traffic.
DelDOT instituted a rule in 1971 saying trucks over 5,000 pounds were forbidden to travel Pyles Land from Del. 9 to approximately 200 feet from Port-to-Port’s entrance. The only exception made was for local vehicles making local deliveries.
Are Truckers Breaking the Law?
The rule made it virtually illegal for trucks to access Port-to-Port’s facility. Residents of Pyles Lane have been insisting that DelDOT enforce their law and forbid commercial vehicles to travel the road.
In a surprise move, DelDOT affirmed that trucks going to and from Port-to-Port qualify as “local vehicles making local deliveries” and are thereby exempt from the rule. They also moved the restricted line another 200 feet, freeing up access to Port-to-Port’s entrance.
C.R. McLeod, spokesperson for DelDOT, explained that banning commercial vehicles on Pyles Lane would effectively put Port-to-Port out of business, something the agency was not prepared to do.
Improve Turnaround Time with Yard Trucks from DJ Products
Reviewing Safety Rules with Your Fleet May Save a Life.
You manage your fleet well, and you know that your drivers are wise about working safely. You may have even purchased motorized trailer dollies for them to do their part. Still, it never hurts to offer them a refresher.
Maybe it’s been a while since you have talked with them about safety. If so, we’d like to offer you some helpful tips that will keep them safe while they’re on the road.
Top Safety Tips for Truck Drivers
Make sure to wear your seatbelt – We know that it’s easier to get in and out of your truck without it. But it’s the law. You need to wear it when you drive.
Don’t use your cell phone while you’re driving – Professionals are just as much at risk for accidents while driving distracted as anyone else. Stay safe and wait until you’re parked to use your phone.
Keep an eye on the speed limit – It can be easy to go faster than you should; especially on long hauls. But maintaining the speed limit can help you avoid potential accidents later.
Don’t drink or use drugs – It’s vital for you to be alert and aware at all times while you’re driving.
Plan your trip ahead of time – This can help you avoid possible problems with traffic or weather during your trip.
Remember your truck’s space cushion – that is, how tall and wide your truck is, and keep that in mind when you travel.
Go slow around curves and turns – This will help you maintain control.
Safety is What We do Best
At DJ Products, your fleet’s safety is our top priority. That’s why we offer products like motorized trailer dollies to help with that. We have many other products as well. Contact us!
Reviewing the Process Can Reduce Accidents and Damaged Materials
Damaged stock is one of the primary factors reducing warehouse and supply chain profitability. The impact can be direct, as in the case of incomplete orders, or indirect, such as when an accident injures an employee.
How is stock typically handled during day-to-day operations in your warehouse? Review the process from start to finish and look for areas of improvement, such as reducing the number of times a case is touched.
Use Material Handling Equipment Whenever Possible
Material handling equipment involves a significant financial investment, but the costs will be more than offset by less product damage and fewer job-related injuries.
Reassess Racking Systems
If the racking system is inadequate, it could result in improper storage which is a leading cause of damaged stock. In addition to upgrading racks, consider installing safety equipment such as column protectors and aisle shields.
Train Employees
Employees are on the front lines when it comes to handling and processing stock. Incorporate product awareness into your ongoing safety training workshops.
Build a Culture of Cleanliness
It sounds simple, but employees sometimes become lax about keeping the warehouse clean, whether it’s due to work deadlines or thoughtlessness. Create and enforce standards of cleanliness and hold employees accountable.
DJ Products Makes Tugger Carts to Solve Any Need
No matter what types of products are handled in your warehouse, we have a wide range of tugger carts to improve safety and productivity. Use our handy online chat feature to learn more.
In All We Do on This Planet, Thinking Green Can Only Help.
As a key cog in the machine for retail and industry, distribution centers can make an enormous impact by going green. Yet it’s hard to justify investing in something for the environment if it doesn’t improve your own bottom line. So let’s talk about how going green with smart warehouse equipment and energy-saving choices can help the planet, your employees, and your business.
The Basics: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
Businesses can reduce their footprint by going digital to use less paper and implementing recycling bins for bottles and glass. Warehouses can go green even more by reusing and recycling pallets, cardboard boxes, packing materials, and more.
Try charting your progress to boost employee morale, and make it known to customers that you’ve gone green so they can feel good about doing business with you.
Less Carbon, More Comfort
Any steps to improve heating and cooling efficiency can also make the warehouse more comfortable for hardworking staff. Try these:
– Add insulation
– Install industrial fans
– Insulate ductwork
– Paint the roof white
– Switch to cooler LED lighting
Better ventilation, cleaner air, and a healthier work environment make your employees more productive. That’s good for retention, reducing sick days, and thus being more profitable. Lower utility bills help, too!
Electric Warehouse Equipment
Smart warehouses use less energy because they’re more efficient. If you’re using a diesel forklift, an industrial cart mover can potentially replace it. If you send out less-than-full truckloads, smarter logistics can fill the truck and get more out of every gallon of fuel.
DJ Products makes ergonomic, battery-powered warehouse equipment for today’s needs. While helping you go green, our CartCaddy and other material handling equipment will also help make your warehouse a healthier, more injury-free zone. Contact us for more info.