Global Competition Requires New Strategies

Not so long ago some were predicting the death knell of U.S. manufacturing. As the recession brought Detroit’s Big Three to their knees, put the brakes on consumer spending, forced massive layoffs and shuttered cash-strapped plants across the country, American manufacturing seemed to be in its death throes. But as they say, what doesn’t kill us makes us strong. Strong competitors assimilated weak ones. Loose financial and operational practices were tightened. Costs and expenses were pared down. From the assembly line to the board room, American manufacturers are running a tighter ship — and it seems to be paying off. Manufacturing declines have been slowing since December. In July new orders resulted in the biggest production jump in more than two years. Customers are beginning to restock and assembly lines are running again. The light at the end of the tunnel is getting brighter; but there is concern that unless U.S. manufacturers make major changes to their business model, the light could still go out. 

A recent national study found U.S. manufacturers distressingly unprepared to compete in an increasingly global economy. Conducted by the American Small Manufacturers Coalition in conjunction with Manufacturing Extension Partnership, the Next Generation Manufacturing Survey polled more than 2,500 U.S. manufacturers. The report identified six essential next generation strategies manufacturers must adopt to compete successfully in global markets:

  • Customer-focused innovation
  • Talent recruitment, development and retention
  • Systemic continuous improvement
  • Supply chain management and collaboration
  • Sustainable product and process development
  • Global engagement

More than 25% of American manufacturers — over 90,000 firms — were considered at risk because of their inability to meet world-class achievement levels in any of the six strategies. Unless U.S. manufacturers are able to adopt next generation strategies, America may not be able to compete in global markets.

A Motorized Clean Linen Cart Makes Housekeeping in the Hospitality Industry Easier

Housekeeping crews in busy hotels, resorts and casinos aren’t given a whole lot of time between current guests checking out and new guests checking in.  In the few short hours where rooms are empty, housekeeping crews must move rapidly from room to room ensuring that the new guests will arrive to the most pleasing accommodations possible.

A fully loaded clean linen cart can carry several hundred pounds of supplies for each floor of a busy resort.  Employees who are required to push these heavy carts manually are at an increased chance of injury, especially when there is a heavy focus on completing the task quickly.

A motorized clean linen cart can hold up to seven hundred pounds of materials and easily maneuvers through the tight, carpeted hallways of hotels and resorts.  The motorized clean linen cart from DJ Products has a variable speed adjustment that allows employees to go from 0-3 miles per hour.  Increasing the speed at which housekeeping employees can move through the halls of the resort ensures that they can complete the necessary duties in a timely manner for the arrival of new guests.

A motorized clean linen cart will help reduce the physical and mental stress associated with housekeeping and allow employees to focus on properly completing all facets of their job rather than struggling with a heavy cart. Having a motorized linen cart can help to reduce the instances of work related injuries and it makes the overall work environment in a busy hotel or resort more pleasant.

It can be difficult to keep both guests and employees happy at all times in a high volume hospitality setting.  Keeping guests pleased requires the best possible service and it easier to make that happen if you provide your employees with the proper equipment of their jobs.

Powered Housekeeping Cart makes Dealing with Holiday Travel Easier

During the holiday season there are more travelers on the road, in the air and of course in hotel rooms.  Families are making the mad dash all over the country, jumping from one hotel to the next, in order to try and spend some time with relatives who don’t live close by during this special time of year.  While this massive increase in guests can be great for a hotel’s finances, in can be very difficult on the housekeeping crew if they don’t have the proper equipment to work with.

Housekeeping crews have a very short window of time to clean the rooms of guests who are checking out and to prepare them for the arrival of new guests.  In larger hotels, this could mean stripping, cleaning and remaking hundreds of rooms in the period of just a few short hours.  In order to get the job done properly, within time constraints and without risking injury, bust housekeeping crews need the help of a powered housekeeping cart.

Having to manually push or pull a fully loaded housekeeping cart down narrow, heavily carpeted hallways is a slow and inefficient process that can ultimately result in employee injury.  A powered housekeeping cart from DJ Products can easily haul loads of necessary supplies weighing up to seven hundred pounds at speeds of up to three miles per hour.  This can drastically cut down on the amount of time that it takes to perform regular duties and minimizes the chances for employee injuries.

The powered housekeeping cart runs on long lasting batteries that are capable of continuous operation over the course of a full eight hour shift.  This allows housekeeping employees to completely focus on the necessary tasks at hand without having to worry about stopping to refuel or recharge when going about their duties.

As the amount of travelers increases over the course of the holiday season, the job of the housekeeping staff becomes much more difficult.  Having access to properly designed equipment, like the powered housekeeping cart, helps employees keep up with the increase in workload without increasing chances for injury.

Handling the Holiday Retail Rush with a Shopping Cart Retriever

Black Friday has come and gone, but the holiday retail rush is far from over.  There are still a few very hectic and very high volume weeks of shopping left for retailers to hit their projected sales numbers.  These last few weeks require stock crews, customer service personnel and cashiers to do whatever it takes to serve the masses of customers coming through the doors.

In some of these retail environments hourly employees will responsible for cart retrieval, which can be a very labor intensive and potentially dangerous duty if the proper equipment isn’t available.  A simple addition of a battery powered shopping cart retriever can make this job safer, easier and far less time consuming. 

Manual cart retrieval requires and employee to try and strong arm as many carts as he or she is capable of handling across a cold and busy parking lot.  Depending upon how many carts have made it out into the lot, this could take several trips back and forth through parking lot traffic over a reasonable amount of time. 

A shopping cart retriever allows a single employee to easily maneuver up to fifty carts at once across a parking lot, potentially getting the entire job done easily in a single trip.  This is not only a much safer scenario for the employee responsible, but will take much less time and free up valuable hands to help service the customers inside of the store.

A busy retail store needs empty shopping carts inside of the store for customers who are ready to shop, but getting them there doesn’t have to be a labor intensive hassle.  A shopping cart retriever takes one of the most difficult and time consuming tasks of a busy retail store and allows it to be completed effortlessly in a fraction of the time. 

A Motorized Linen Cart can Help Keep Up with Increases in Hospital Visits

The holidays, and the winter season in general, tend to send a lot more people into the emergency room with injuries that might require a stay in the hospital.  Injuries sustained during decorating, burns from fireplaces, auto accidents and falls on ice are just a small portion of the injuries that require treatment during this time of year.

The members of the hospital staff that clean and prep rooms for incoming patients are particularly busy this time of year trying to ensure that rooms are available as necessary.  If this increased workload were to be performed entirely with manually operated carts, hospital employees could find themselves seeking treatment from doctors as well.

A fully loaded cart containing linens and cleaning supplies could easily weigh several hundred pounds.  A single hospital employee trying to strong arm a heavy linen cart could easily sustain an injury that would require medical treatment. That’s why it makes sense for hospitals to have the proper equipment available to make these duties easier on the hospital staff.

A motorized linen cart can easily handle loads of up to seven hundred pounds on just about any surface.  Employees using a motorized linen cart can easily travel at speeds of up to three miles an hour over concrete, tile or carpet so that rooms can be cleaned and prepared as necessary for new patients.

The battery powered motorized linen carts from DJ Products can also operate continuously for an entire eight hour shift without needing to be recharged.  This means that hospital employees can continue working without interruption to ensure that empty rooms are ready to be filled as needed.

Making the Entire Staff More Productive with a Powered Cart

In many office and hospitality settings there are duties that get reserved for particular members of the staff.  Heavy boxes of supplies may be left where they are dropped upon delivery for the youngest and most able bodied employees to take care of, but this can be a dangerous inconvenience in a fast paced environment.

Having a piece of equipment like the Powered Cart form DJ Products makes it possible for virtually any employee to quickly and safely move product or supplies to their appropriate destination.  Employees can safely move hundreds of pounds of materials across the entire facility regardless of their age or physical condition.  The Powered Cart can keep offices, warehouses and all types of hospitality settings free of clutter and safer for all employees and visitors.

Despite having all the power necessary to transport heavy loads, the Powered Cart from DJ Products is relatively small and very easy to maneuver.  Employees can easily transport loads of heavy product or supplies down narrow aisles or crowded hallways at a speed of up to three miles per hour without disrupting other employees.

The Powered Cart from DJ Products also comes with a built in safety stop switch that allows employees to immediately kill power to the equipment in the event of a problem.  This is a very important feature for preventing injury in a facility that is constantly filled with activity.

Having equipment like a Powered Cart minimizes virtually all the hassle and hazard associated with manually handling deliveries of heavy products and supplies.  Any office, warehouse or hospitality environment that wants to immediately increase employee efficiency and reduce the risk of injury associated with manual material handling could benefit from a Powered Cart.

Eliminating Retail Woes with a Shopping Cart Retriever

The long, cold months of winter can be a difficult time to work in retail, especially if your job duties include manually retrieving shopping carts from the parking lot.  Consumers who venture out into the sub freezing temperatures may be less likely to return their carts to the appropriate areas once their cars have been loaded with their purchases.  This means that retail employees will have to scour the parking lot, in frigid temperatures, in search of the errant carts.

Without access to a piece of labor saving equipment like a shopping cart retriever, this task can be quite laborious and exceedingly time consuming.  A shopping cart retriever can help a single employee easily handle up to fifty shopping carts at a time, dramatically reducing the amount of time it takes to gather carts.  The shopping cart retriever also eliminates virtually all of the physical strain associated with the task of shopping cart retrieval, keeping valuable employees injury free as they perform their job duties.

The shopping cart retriever from DJ Products is very easy to operate and works well in virtually all weather conditions.  Hourly employees will be able to quickly and safely gather carts from the farthest reaches of the parking lot and return them for use by incoming shoppers during inclement or unfavorable weather situations. 

A shopping cart retriever can also work to improve the overall efficiency of your operation.  A shopping cart retriever minimizes the time it take to perform this particular task, which allows those employees responsible for cart retrieval to readily tackle other duties in the establishment.  Employees who previously spent the majority of their time on the clock collecting carts could now be available to help bag items at checkout, stock shelves or lend a hand cleaning. 

Making Hospital Cleaning and Maintenance Easier with a Cart Puller

This time of year is filled with bouts of inclement and dangerous weather that can often land more people in the emergency room.  Heavy snow accumulation and bouts of freezing rain and ice can lead to more injuries from slip and fall accidents, car accidents and overexertion caused by shoveling.

It can be difficult for hospital cleaning crews to keep up with the patient traffic during regular conditions, but their job gets much more hectic during times when patient traffic increases.  Having the right equipment to transport heavy linen or maintenance carts can be a major factor in helping hospital cleaning crews keep up with the flow of patients.

A cart puller from DJ Products provides the perfect solution for hospital cleaning crews who work in a fast paced and overcrowded environment.  The cart puller can easily handle pushing or pulling fully loaded carts that weigh up to one thousand pounds, but it is small enough to allow for maneuvering in even the tightest of quarters.

The highly versatile cart puller can be used to effortlessly move everything from small dollies and hand trucks to fully loaded linen carts and hospital beds.  This helps valuable hospital employees perform whatever duties arise during their shift without running the risk of becoming fatigued or sustaining injury from overexertion.

The cart puller is ideal for use in a hospital environment because it is virtually silent during operation.  Members of the hospital staff can focus on performing their job duties without having to worry that their equipment will disturb patients who may be in need of rest. 

A cart puller from DJ Products is powered by a long lasting battery and can run for an entire eight hour shift on a single charge.  Employees won’t be delayed by having to stop in the middle of a task to repower equipment, which is essential for keeping up with the increases in hospital traffic caused by inclement weather.

Lightening the Load on Mechanic and Body Shop Employees with a Car Pusher

Consumers bring their vehicles to auto mechanic repair shops and body shops following involvement in an accident in order to get them looking and driving like new again.  Many of the cars that end up on the lot of a mechanic’s shop or body shop have serious problems, some are completely inoperable.  If mechanic and body shop employees don’t have access to the right equipment in order to perform their job duties this type of work can be very labor intensive and much more difficult than it has to be.

Mechanic and body shop employees who don’t have a piece of equipment like the car pusher from DJ Products have to manually push disabled cars into bays for repair.  This can easily lead to overexertion and the possibility of a serious and painful injury, even for employees who are normally capable of handling instances of physical labor.

In instances where employees want to maneuver an inoperable vehicle without having to resort to manual labor another vehicle may be used.  While this is certainly easier on the employee, it can do damage to both vehicles in the process and ultimately create more work for the business.

A car pusher from DJ Products allows a single employee to easily maneuver a disabled vehicle without overexertion or fear of injury.  In addition to keeping employees safe and injury free during the normally daunting task of moving a disable vehicle across a lot, the car pusher also keeps the vehicles safe.  The pad which is placed against the vehicle that requires pushing is soft and forgiving and prevents the dents, dings and scratches often incurred when using another vehicle for pushing.

By adding a car pusher to their tool and equipment arsenal a mechanic can instantly increase the efficiency at the very same time that they create a safe environment for their valuable employees.

Maintaining Nursing Homes with a Powered Dirty Linen Cart

Keeping a nursing home clean and orderly can be a challenge for the staff.  The physical demand of the job begs the aid of powered equipment, but narrow halls and small crowded rooms limit the type of equipment that can be used.  Some residents of nursing home may be easily disturbed or agitated so management and staff also need to be conscious of noise levels while performing regular duties.

The powered dirty linen cart from DJ Products provides the perfect solution for a nursing home environment.  A powered dirty linen cart is easily capable of hauling loads of up to seven hundred pounds, drastically reducing the stress and strain on staff and helping to minimize the possibility of injury.

The powered dirty linen cart is easily maneuverable, even in constrained paces and can travel at speeds of up to 3 miles per hour over a variety of surfaces.  In many nursing home environments, employees are required to push heavy carts over thick carpeting which can pose an additional challenge even for some motorized carts.  The powered dirty linen cart travels just as effortlessly across carpeted surfaces as it does across smooth surfaces making it an ideal piece of equipment for environments with a variety of flooring.

In addition to taking the stress and strain off of the hardworking nursing home staff, the powered dirty linen cart also has advantages for the residents.  The powered dirty linen cart is fast and virtually silent during operations so staff members can quickly and quietly complete their required duties with any disruption to resident activities.

Keeping nursing home employees healthy and residents happy is difficult if the right type of equipment isn’t available to help with specific job duties.  Adding a powered dirty linen cart is a great way to increase staff efficiency while minimizing the chance for injury at the same time as eliminating many of the noise related disturbances to residents.