Ergonomics Can Significantly Decrease Worker Injuries

Material handlers and laborers suffer more injuries and illnesses than construction workers, truck drivers or, indeed, any other category of workers, according to the U.S. Department of Labor. Material handlers and laborers miss more work days and therefore cost U.S. businesses more money in lost man-hours and higher insurance and healthcare costs than any other worker class.

Numerous studies have proved that ergonomically-designed equipment and systems can significantly decrease worker injury. Many manual tasks necessary during the handling of materials require repetitive motions — pushing, pulling, bending, lifting and carrying — that place undue strain on the human body. These actions can result in sprains, strains, back pain and other musculoskeletal injuries. Back pain is by far the most commonly reported workplace injury in the material handling industry. Treatment is generally lengthy and expensive, gobbling up the lion’s share of healthcare and workers’ compensation costs.

The implementation of an ergonomics program can significantly reduce injuries and their associated costs while improving productivity and worker morale. The Material Handling Industry of America (MHIA) has published a 68-page booklet of tips for improving ergonomics in the material handling industry. Click this link to download MHIA’s free Ergonomic Guidelines for Manual Material Handling. For more information on ergonomically-designed electric and motorized carts, pushers and tuggers, visit the DJ Products website.

Next time we’ll share some of MHIA’s best tips for improving ergonomics in the material handling industry and reducing worker injury and its associated costs.

Electric Tuggers Improve Ergonomics in Material Handling

Improving the ergonomics of material handling decreases worker injuries, improves workplace efficiency and leads to a healthier bottom line. Medical costs, insurance premiums, workers’ compensation payments and lost man-hours soar when ergonomics are ignored. Material handling is one of the most injury-intensive industries, according to the U.S. Department of Labor. Every effort you make to fit the demands of work tasks to the capabilities of your workers (i.e., ergonomics) will decrease costs and ultimately improve profit margins.Material handling requires many actions that can result in serious and expensive musculoskeletal injuries. Repetitive motions, awkward postures and the application of force as workers lift, push, pull, carry and handle materials create daily opportunities for injury. Attention to ergonomics in designing tasks, workspaces and equipment can dramatically decrease the physical demands and injury potential of many material handling activities.Carrying and lifting are the two actions that present the greatest potential for worker injury when handling materials. Today we’ll address tips for ergonomic carrying; on Friday, we’ll share tips for lifting ergonomically.Carrying tasks place stress on the back and shoulders and create contact pressure on the shoulders and hands. When repeatedly strained or overstressed, the effort and force needed to carry materials can cause injury. To decrease injuries caused by carrying, follow these suggestions:

  • Eliminate unnecessary carrying.
  • Minimize the distances materials must be carried and use electric tuggers to carry materials over longer distances.
  • Organize work tasks so that physical demands and work pace increase gradually as muscles warm up.
  • Rotate workers or alternate carrying with non-carrying tasks to prevent overstraining the body and give muscles a chance to rest between efforts.
  • Wear properly fitting gloves to improve grip stability.
  • Reduce load weights and test loads for stability and balance before carrying.
  • Slide, push or roll materials. These actions place less stress on the body than carrying.
  • Use conveyors, slides or chutes to move materials.
  • Use electric tuggers to transport heavy loads.

Watch Our Trailer Caddy in Action

You’ve seen those guys at the truck shows who strap a rope around their chest and pull a mega-ton truck across the ground, their muscles bulging and popping with every step. Well, you can do that too, and you’ll only need one hand! With the aid of the DJ Products’ TrailerCaddy, anyone can move multi-ton trailers with ease. Just click here to watch a You Tube video of our TrailerCaddy in action.

The DJ Products TrailerCaddy is a powered mover designed to push or pull trailers that require lifting on one end before maneuvering. Designed to move equipment short distances, the TrailerCaddy makes it possible for any employee to move an equipment trailer, RV, camper or boat across a show room floor, from one point to another in the plant, into position at a trade show or to a new position in the lot. The TrailerCaddy does not require bulging muscles or super-human strength. The caddy does all the heavy lifting. All your employee does is steer.

Our powered TrailerCaddy is less bulky and more maneuverable than traditional electric pullers. This cost-efficient electric puller will decrease fuel and maintenance costs. Maximum operator control and maneuverability, particularly in tight spaces, means minimal damage to surrounding parts and equipment. Ergonomically designed for easy use, the TrailerCaddy decreases accidents and prevents worker injury associated with muscle strain. You’ll save in decreased medical expenses, insurance costs and workmen’s compensation claims. Visit our website for complete information about the TrailerCaddy.

Efficient Wheel Design Reduces Friction

Friction occurs when two surfaces come into contact, as when a wheel rests on a floor. Friction is the force that resists movement between the objects. Under theoretically perfect conditions, the ideal wheel environment would be a hard, smooth wheel rolling over a hard, smooth surface. In real life, perfect conditions never exist. In a typical work environment, using a hard wheel will often result in higher rolling resistance, as well as increased noise and vibration.

Both static and dynamic forces affect friction. The initial push force necessary to place an object in motion is the static force. Static force is generally greater than dynamic force which is the exertion necessary to keep the object moving. Wheel design must consider bother static and dynamic force.

In a wheel or caster system, there are three places where friction can affect force:

  • at the point where the axle and wheel interface;
  • if a swivel caster, in the swivel housing; and
  • at the ground/wheel interface, particularly at any points where the wheel will slide or pivot on a surface.

The efficiency of a wheel or caster in reducing friction is dependent not only upon the appropriate design of the wheel itself, but also on the materials used in its construction and the placement of the wheels on the equipment to be moved.

Lifting Tips that Prevent Back Injury

In our last post we talked about the exorbitant cost of back injuries to industry. In both human and financial cost, back injuries take an expensive toll. Application of ergonomic principles to the work space and use of ergonomically designed equipment can reduce potential back injury significantly. But sometimes materials must be manually lifted and moved.

It’s important to train workers in proper lifting techniques. Musculoskeletal injuries, particularly to the lower back, can result when items are improperly lifted. The key to developing good lifting habits is to think about what you plan to do before picking up an object. Practice these safe lifting tips:

  • Size up the load and check surrounding conditions. Get help with the lift if the object looks heavy or awkward. Make sure you have good footing and enough space to maneuver easily. If the object must be carried, may sure your path is free and clear of obstacles.
  • Balance your body. Your feet should be shoulder width apart and beside each other. To provide maximum balance and leverage, your feet should be positioned somewhat behind the object to be lifted.
  • When lifting, don’t stoop. Bend both knees and keep your back straight but not vertical. Tucking in your chin will help you keep your back straight.
  • Use your hands and fingers to grip the load. Called a palm grip, this grip provides maximum security. Remember to tuck in your chin before you lift.
  • Use your body weight to get the load moving. Lift by pushing up with your legs, your body’s strongest muscle group.
  • Keep arms and elbows close to the body while lifting to provide better balance and maximize lift force.
  • If you must carry an object, carry it close to your body and don’t twist. Shift your foot position and turn your whole body to change direction.
  • Remember to watch where you’re going.
  • Bend your knees when lowering an object. Avoid stooping which places unnecessary strain on your lower back. Place the object on the edge of a shelf, bench or other surface and slide it back into position. Keep your hands and feet clear as you let go of the object.

Even when lifting or moving light-weight objects, it pays to develop good lifing and carrying habits. Your back will thank you!

Part 1: Why Businesses Fail

Almost daily I read about the failure of one business or another in the business section of my local newspaper. The economy is down, credit is tight and fuel prices are through the roof. Naturally these conditions place an additional strain on businesses. But generally when a business fails there were already underlying fissures in its structural foundation that caused it to crack and break under the pressure.

Businesses fail for many reasons, the most likely being one or a combination of the following:

  • Lack of a business plan or failure to update the business plan to account for changes in the industry, economy and society. Business is not static. You should review your business plan annually and adjust it to take advantage of changing markets, new products and technologies, financial incentives, and customer preferences.
  • Lack of current financial data or failure to fully understand financial reports. Finance is the language of business. You don’t have to be able to write it (that’s why you have an accountant or CFO, but you do have to be able to correctly read and understand financial statements.
  • Lack of capital. If you’re starting a business, minimum start-up capital should be enough to cover your first six months of operation. However, once you’re up and running, don’t confuse capital with operating funds or cash flow. Growth capital should be used to grow, improve and expand your business. You should generate enough monthly income to provide a healthy cash flow and cover operating expenses. If your business is in trouble, borrowing more money isn’t the answer. If you can’t service your current debt load, you won’t be able to service an increased debt load.

To be continued

Part 2: Why Businesses Fail

The economic slowdown, tight credit and high fuel costs are placing a sometimes fatal strain on businesses. This week we’re taking a look at why businesses fail. Those who learn from the unfortunate mistakes of others are more likely to succeed.  

Continuing our list from Monday of the most likely reasons businesses fail:

  • Inadequate sales. Inaccurate market analysis can lead to inadequate or inappropriate marketing/sales efforts. A business’ potential market share equals the total market potential for your product or service divided by the total number of competitors in your market area. When sales volume exceeds normal market share, you achieve market dominance and move beyond the break-even point into profit. Naturally, this is every businessman’s goal. While sales are the key barometer of business success, base business decisions on weekly and monthly averages, not daily volume. It’s business trends that drive future sales so concentrate on longer-term market analysis. 
  • High expenses. Failure to properly anticipate and budget potential expenses, failure to adequately control expenses and/or failure to constantly review and update purchasing/service contracts are all common money pits. Expenses should ever exceed income. Never consider any expense as fixed; every expense is negotiable. Be prudent in your purchasing policies. Stockpiling supplies, buying additional product already in stock and failing to decrease order quantities as demand decreases are common mistakes. Limit buying to what you need, what you’re using and what will increase sales.
  • Poor credit policies. Credit keeps business clicking along, but over-extended credit can lead to bankruptcy, particularly in today’s economy. Maintain good credit policies in your own borrowing and be clear about credit policies to customers. Clearly communicate credit policies to customers before finalizing a sale and don’t continue to offer credit to slow-paying customers. You could be left holding the bag.

To be continued

Part 3: Why Businesses Fail

The business section of the newspaper seems to carry daily notices of failing businesses. Despite tighter requirements, bankruptcies are up. Businesses are succumbing to a combination of the economic slowdown, tighter credit and high fuel costs. Today we continue our series on why businesses fail (see our July 14 and 16 posts).

Most business fail for a combination of reasons, including:

  • Poor collection practices. It’s not enough to make the sale; you have to collect the money. While this should be obvious, many businesses fail to initiate or maintain good collection practices. Just like sales, collections should be a daily task. The biggest mistake many businessmen make is to allow late accounts to go too long before starting the collection process. Many customers will take advantage of the traditional 30-, 60-,  90-day payment schedule. Try aging your accounts receivable by the 15th and month end or even weekly. The sooner you start collections, the better the chance of collecting and the faster your money turns over.
  • Lack of experience in basic business know-how. On-the-job experience is an effective teacher, but the lessons can be costly. Develop an ability to learn from the experiences of others. Education, keeping up with industry journals and publications and attending professional conferences and seminars can offset a lack of personal experience. Meeting with other businessmen through professional organizations or social/community service groups provides a valuable opportunity to discuss common business problems and issues.
  • Poor location. For retail businesses that depend upon walk-in or drive-by trade, poor location can be disastrous. Manufacturing and industrial concerns require easy access to freeways and other transportation routes for both delivery of raw materials and shipment of finished product. Convenience and visibility are key. 

    To be continued

Part 5: Why Businesses Fail

At DJ Products we believe in the value of learning from experience — ours, our customers and the business community at large. It’s not necessary to reinvent the wheel. The savvy businessman will learn from the experiences of others and turn that knowledge to his advantage.

With that in mind, we’ve been talking about why businesses fail (see our posts starting July 14). The economy is down, credit is tight and fuel is up. Times are tough and many businesses are struggling to survive. Taking a look at the most common reasons businesses fail may help us all to avoid the same pitfalls.

Continuing our list of why businesses fail:

  • Unwarranted personal expenses. The news is fully of greedy or sloppy businessmen (and politicians) who now find themselves fired or even jailed for using their business as a personal expense account. Hard-working businessmen deserve to profit from their labors, but they also have a responsibility to set an example of fiscal responsibility for their employees and create a profit for their shareholders. You need to be profitable to earn the perks. Set clear policies for charging expenses to the company that follow IRS guidelines and regulations. Set an example for employees and monitor expenses regularly to curb abuse.
  • Unplanned expansion. Entrepreneurs eager to capitalize on every opportunity may be tempted to expand quickly. However, unplanned expansion is the quickest way to run out of cash fast. Expanding a business should involve careful, long-term planning. Take sufficient time for market analysis to ensure that expansion is warranted and can continue to be supported by future sales. Develop an implementation schedule and don’t cut corners on the implementation process. Proper implementation is pivotal to the success of an expansion plan. A good plan, poorly implemented, will turn out to be a poor plan.

 To be continued

Is OSHA Underreporting Injuries?

At a recent Congressional hearing, critics charged that OSHA is underreporting injuries. In questioning the competence of the federal agency designated to protect the health and safety of American workers, critics cited several independent studies, contending that nearly half of all workplace injuries go unreported to OSHA.

Independent studies cited both reviewed the impact of changes to OSHA’s injury-reporting rules and compared injury data reported to OSHA by employers with that reported to state workers’ compensation plans. In one study, a Michigan State University professor of medicine noted that while workplace fatalities have not declined over the years, reported injuries have declined significantly. He found the data suspect. According to the professor, a decline in injuries should have resulted in a similar decline in fatalities. 

The significant data discrepancies between OSHA and state worker’s compensation plans were attributed to numerous possible causes, including the underreporting of injuries to employers by immigrant workers concerned about job retention, reclassification of workers by employers into non-reporting job descriptions, managers discouraging injury reporting, and several other causes. Reports came just shy of charging employer fraud, criticizing OSHA for relying solely on employer statistics.

OSHA defended its reporting procedures, pointing out that in addition to employer submitted data, each year its agents conduct 250 record-keeping audits of employers. OSHA said audits indicate that 90% of employer-submitted data on injuries and illness is accurate. Defending OSHA before the House Committee on Education and Labor, OSHA assistant secretary Edwin Foulke, Jr. said, “In Fiscal Year 2008, of the almost 57,000 violations issued so far, 80% have been categorized as serious, willful, repeat or failure-to-abate, the highest percentage ever recorded by the agency. We are also effectively targeting our inspections.” While Foulke noted that violations were found on 78% of the construction worksites inspected this year, he contended that OSHA’s diligence is responsible for the lowest workplace injuries, illnesses and fatalities in U.S. history.