Essential Warehouse Ergonomic Safety Tips from OSHA

Warehouse work carries a significant risk for musculoskeletal disorders, or MSDs. Lifting heavy objects, using awkward body postures, and repetitive motions are a few of the factors that place undue stress on muscles, ligaments and tendons.

Our ergonomically designed Trailer Dolly helps reduce the number of costly work-related injuries. Here are some other useful ergonomic safety tips from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).

1. Provide management support.

When management demonstrates a sincere concern for worker safety, employees are more likely to make it a priority as well. Make sure managers define and communicate safety goals and conduct regular training in safety best practices.

2. Solicit employee feedback.

No one understands the hazards of the workplace better than those who are actually performing the job functions. Encourage employees to speak up about safety concerns and offer ideas for possible solutions.

3. Use proper equipment.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, more than one-third of workplace injuries involve the back and shoulders, largely due to lifting heavy objects. Implement equipment, such as our electric Trailer Dolly, that’s designed to handle large loads and take stress off of workers.

4. Evaluate work flow.

Take a close look at the warehouse layout as it relates to work flow. Are employees having to reach across long distances or stoop over to perform certain tasks? Make any necessary adjustments to work stations that will allow employees to maintain neutral positions as much as possible.

5. Use personal protective equipment.

Personal protective equipment, or PPE, is a practical solution to minimize warehouse safety hazards.

  • Padding protects against damaging contact with sharp edges, hard surfaces and vibrating structures.
  • Thermal gloves allow workers to get a firm grasp on items, even in cold conditions.
  • Steel-toe work boots protect feet from falling objects and provide sturdy footing on slippery or uneven floors.

For maximum protection, make sure PPE fits well and workers wear the gear properly.

Avoid Workplace Injuries with Our Trailer Dolly

DJ Products carries a full range of battery-powered tugs, movers and pushers that provide safe material handling solutions for any application. Contact us to learn more from our friendly and experienced Sales Engineers.

5 Ways to Improve Distribution Center Yard Management

Trucks Waiting To Be Filled In a Distribution Center Trailer Yard.
Distribution Center Trailer Yard

Truckyards are a hub of constant activity for distribution centers and warehouses. Our Trailer Dolly relieves the burden involved in many of the physical tasks, but how do you manage overall yard functions to keep everything running smoothly? Use these five helpful tips for more effective yard management.

1. Automate truck arrival and exiting processes.

No matter how quickly employees load or unload a truck, gridlock will set in if they can’t get trucks in and out of the yard efficiently. Implement tracking technology for accurate notifications when trucks arrive and depart.

2. Use signs to identify yard zones and post information.

Put yourself in the shoes of a brand-new driver arriving at your yard. Would you know where to go and what to do, or would you be frantically searching for someone to help you? Make sure all drivers are greeted with plenty of appropriate signage to help them easily navigate the yard.

3. Track key performance indicators.

As any motivational expert will tell you, measurability is a key element of strong goals. Employees are more motivated when they know exactly what they need to accomplish and they can see the results of their efforts. Key performance indicators, also known as KPIs, provide specific targets that allow workers to focus their efforts more productively.

4. Monitor safety and compliance.

Do employees cut corners in order to make deadlines? If safety procedures are sacrificed in the interest of speed, it’s bound to catch up with your operations in terms of costly fines or even more costly injuries. Use your yard management system (YMS) to track safety violations and related data to identify areas of concern.

5. Make training and education a priority.

Help employees internalize proper procedures to the point where they become second nature. Train team members in best practices and protocols across the entire spectrum of operations, from arrival of trucks through loading and unloading to departure.

Choose the Trailer Dolly from DJ Products

The battery-powered Trailer Dolly is just one of our eco-friendly and cost-effective solutions for all your material handling needs. Use our handy online chat feature to learn more from our knowledgeable Sales Engineers.

5 Ways a Trailer Dolly Can Improve Your Trailer Yard

Trailers In a Trailer Yard
Trailer Yard Safety With the Trailer Dolly

Moving trailers around from one area to another in your trailer yard comes with certain risks and challenges. Without the right equipment, your trailer yard can become an unsafe place for employees. You might also face difficulties in terms of efficiency and costs. Using a motorized trailer dolly to move trailers from spot to spot offers the ideal solution. These trailer dollies can provide your trailer yard with the following advantages.

Safer Work Environment

Trailer dollies in trailer yards make it safer for workers to tow or move trailers around compared to yard trucks. These dollies usually have forward-facing operation, which reduces the need for operators to look behind them when they need to back into a spot. These dollies also make it easier to avoid running into obstacles in the trailer yard.

Better Efficiency

Having employees drive yard trucks around to move trailers means you have to make sure they have proper licensing. You might also have to keep track of their hours behind the wheel for safety purposes. Trailer dollies don’t require a commercial driver’s license, logged hours, or specialized training to operate. This can help improve efficiency in your trailer yard.

Lower Costs

Switching from a yard truck that runs on diesel to a battery-powered trailer dolly that can be recharged can help save your company money. You’ll also have reduced costs from not having to hire CDL drivers to operate yard trucks.

Improved Maneuvering

Trailer dollies provide much smoother maneuvering in trailer yards compared to yard trucks. Workers can easily steer and turn these dollies, even in tight or confined spaces. This helps reduce the risk of accidents, errors, and injuries.

Simple to Use

Electric trailer dollies are much easier to operate than yard trucks. With these dollies, you can have more workers available to move trailers around. This can lead to better efficiency in your trailer yard, since you don’t need specially trained staff with proper licensing.

If you’re looking for the right trailer dolly for your trailer yard, please contact DJ Products. Our company can help you choose the best solution for improving efficiency and safety in your trailer yard.

5 Safety Issues Our Trailer Dolly Helps Warehouse Yards Avoid

According to the National Safety Council, approximately 25 percent of reported warehouse injuries occur on loading docks. How much time and productivity have loading dock injuries cost your company? Minimize these five major warehouse yard safety issues with use of our battery-powered Trailer Dolly.

1. Improper use of vehicle restraints

Engines should always be shut off during trailer loading and unloading. In addition, wheel chocks and other supplementary vehicle restraints should be used to guard against periodic shifting and movement, often referred to as trailer creep.

2. Defective or improperly-used dock plates

Dock plates bridge the gap between the trailer and loading dock, which is a significant safety risk. Wear and tear over repeated use can result in damage that causes the plates to fail. Ensure that the plates are capable of supporting cargo, moving devices and the workers handling the loads. Plates should be positioned with a minimum overlap of eight inches on each end.

3. Absence of personal protective equipment (PPE)

At a minimum, loading dock workers should be wearing safety shoes, gloves, hard hats and goggles. All PPE should be examined on a regular basis for proper fit and good condition.

4. Blocking exits and emergency equipment

During busy times, it’s all too easy to cut corners by placing trailers in the wrong spot, thinking a few minutes can’t hurt. The truth is that injuries can occur in a matter of seconds. Make sure trailers are not blocking exits or emergency equipment such as fire extinguishers, first-aid kits and sprinklers.

5. Pedestrian mishaps

Pedestrians are often victims of loading dock accidents caused by blind spots and obstructions. Only necessary personnel should be present during loading and unloading. All off-limits areas and pedestrian walkways should be well-marked with signage, lights and other highly visible indicators.

Improve Safety and Employee Morale with the Trailer Dolly

A focus on safety shows concern for employee welfare, which leads to improved morale and reduced turnover. Learn more about why the Trailer Dolly from DJ Products is the top solution for your warehouse. Use the handy online chat feature to have your questions answered by our cheerful Sales Engineers.

Warehouse Yard Management Tips

Trailers Yard Management
Trailer Yard Management Tips

Yard management at your warehouse can have significant benefits, such as improving efficiency and ensuring safety. It also helps support an optimal flow for all inbound and outbound goods and materials. Incorporate the following yard management tips into your warehouse operations.

Use the Right Equipment

The equipment that warehouse workers use to move inbound and outbound goods and materials around should provide efficiency and dependability. An electric trailer dolly, for example, can make it easier for workers to push or pull loads around the yard on different types of surfaces. This type of equipment can also help reduce the risk of injuries or accidents in the warehouse yard.

Focus on Security

Keeping your yard as secure as possible is important in order to lower the risk of theft, vandalism, property damage, and other hazards. Use reliable yard security measures to protect goods and equipment from these kinds of risks.

Communicate Efficiently

Your warehouse should have a way to clearly and quickly communicate with workers in the yard. Using mobile devices, for example, allows you to communicate with these workers at a moment’s notice, which helps boost productivity and efficiency.

Evaluate Loads

Assess the loads that arrive at your warehouse in order to determine which trailer dolly to use, which dock they should go to and how much labor is needed for unloading. This can help ensure that loads arrive at docks that are large enough and that you’ll have enough workers available to unload them.

Organize the Unloading Process

When loads arrive in the yard, the trailer drivers transporting them should know which dock to go to and when to unload these goods. Organize the unloading process, so that your workers have this information on hand. Go over the unloading schedule and locations with workers to ensure that everyone knows when and where to go. This helps prevent delays in having trailers unloaded, while also lowering the risk of accidents or injuries in the yard.

If you need a trailer dolly for yard management at your warehouse, please contact DJ Products. We have several motorized trailer dollies available to choose from, depending on the needs of your business.

4 Benefits of Utilizing a Trailer Dolly

Trailer Yard From Above
Benefits of a Trailer Dolly

Are employees at your warehouse or distribution center still using shunting to manage trailer movement? Leave this costly and time-consuming method in the past where it belongs. Here are four major benefits that our trailer dolly can bring to your business, now and in the future.

1. Improved Efficiency

According to DOT (Department of Transportation) regulations, a person must hold a commercial driver’s license (CDL) in order to operate a shunt truck. How many times have you experienced frustrating delays waiting for a qualified driver?

No special licensing or certification is needed to operate our trailer dollies. With a minimum amount of basic training, any of your employees will be ready to move trailers around the yard by themselves. This process also eliminates the possibility of sizable fines if the shunt driver’s hours are not logged properly.

2. Safer Working Conditions

Shunt trucks have the same potential for accidents as any other motorized vehicle. This is compounded by the fact that these trucks are operating in a confined area with sight lines that are frequently obstructed. The compact size and easy maneuverability of trailer dollies neutralizes the most dangerous aspects of shunting. In addition, fewer workplace injuries means improved productivity and profitability.

3. Better Equipment Control

There are a number of reasons why a CDL is needed to operate a shunt truck. One of the primary reasons is the difficulty of safely operating these unwieldy vehicles, especially in a crowded and constricted yard. Size and maneuverability, the same features that make our trailer dollies so safe, enable smooth movement of trailers weighing thousands of pounds.

4. Reduced Expenses

Whether you employ a full-time CDL driver or contract with a third-party service to handle shunting duties, you’re incurring a significant ongoing expense. There’s no need to hire additional staff to use our trailer dollies, and costs are further reduced due to less maintenance and no need for expensive fuel.

The Trailer Dolly: An Effective Solution for Any Application

Learn more about the advantages of a battery-powered trailer dolly from DJ Products. Contact us to speak with one of our knowledgeable and friendly Sales Engineers.

Our Top 5 Safety Tips for Material Handling

Two Material Handling Managers Talk Through How to Improve Safety
Industrial Material Handling Safety

Material handling can be a dangerous task in warehouses. Accidents and injuries can easily occur when forklifts and similar equipment are used to move heavy loads or vehicles around. Finding ways to improve material handling, such as using motorized trailer dolly products, can boost safety in your warehouse. The following tips can help you make this task safer.

Ensure Proper Training

No matter what type of equipment your warehouse uses for moving heavy loads and vehicles, it’s important to make sure staff are properly trained. Warehouses workers should know how to use this equipment correctly and as safely as possible in order to reduce the risk of accidents. Instead of one-time training, plan continuous training to promote safety when using equipment for material handling.

Set Up Clear Pathways

Your warehouse floor should provide clear pathways for loads to be moved from one location to the next. Poor planning for your warehouse floor can lead to obstructions and other challenges that make material handling less safe. Make proper floor planning part of your strategy for improving material handling safety.

Schedule Predictive Maintenance on Equipment

The equipment your warehouse workers use to move heavy vehicles and loads around can develop flaws or damage that’s hard to spot right away. Predictive maintenance on this equipment helps ensure that these problems are caught early. You can then have equipment repairs done as needed to ensure safe material handling.

Encourage a Culture of Safety

Safety is something that workers should be aware of at all times when handling heavy loads or moving large vehicles. Encouraging s culture of safety among staff helps ensure that everyone is on board with maintaining a safe work environment. All workers should be familiar with safety policies in your warehouse.

Use Remote Monitoring

Having supervisors monitor material handling on the floor can create obstructions that make this task less safe. Use remote monitoring methods instead, so that supervisors aren’t standing on the warehouse floor.

For more information about our motorized trailer dolly products to help improve material handling, please contact DJ Products. We can help you choose the right solution for better safety in your warehouse.

Boost Warehouse Efficiency with a Motorized Trailer Dolly

Warehouse Injury
Prevent Unnecessary Injuries with a Motorized Trailer Dolly

When your warehouse workers need to move or tow heavy equipment and items around, this can take up a lot of their time. Without a reliable way to do this, efficiency in your warehouse can suffer. A motorized trailer dolly can help boost warehouse efficiency while also reducing the risk of workplace injuries. Learn more about the benefits of using this type of dolly.

Greater Control and Safer Maneuvering

Moving a trailer dolly around manually can be difficult for warehouse workers to do. These trailer dollies can be tough to turn and maneuver in tight spaces, which can raise the risk of injuries and accidents. Using these dollies also leads to a higher risk of having items or equipment damaged, especially in small warehouse areas. Motorized trailer dollies provide better control over steering, so that heavy loads of equipment can be moved from place to place more efficiently and safely. This helps workers accomplish these tasks in a shorter amount of time with a lower risk of workplace injuries.

No Licensing Needed

Operating a truck to tow heavy loads or equipment around can lower warehouse efficiency. Warehouse managers who use trucks need to make sure every driver has the right licensing, and they need to keep a log of driving hours. This can become a time-consuming task that slows down warehouse operations. Using motorized trailer dollies doesn’t require any licensing or logging hours. While warehouse workers who use these dollies need to undergo safety training, this still takes up less time overall compared to having them operate trucks.

Cost Savings

Using trucks for heavy equipment comes with higher operating costs due to the need for fuel, licensing, and maintenance. These costs can quickly add up for warehouse managers. Motorized trailer dollies that run on electricity help lower costs, since they don’t need fuel to operate. Warehouse managers also save in other ways, such as not needing licensing for drivers or a lot of maintenance to keep these trailer dollies in good condition.

If you’re looking for a motorized trailer dolly for your warehouse, please contact DJ Products. We can help you find the ideal solution for moving heavy equipment around safely.

Top Tips on Avoiding Warehousing Accidents

Warehousing Pallet Jack Accident
Reduce Warehousing Accident

Do you have a goal to reduce the number of workplace accidents in your warehouse this year? Proactive safety measures, such as use of our electric Trailer Dolly, boost employee morale and improve productivity. Here are some helpful tips to reduce the risk of warehousing accidents.

1. Use proper equipment.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, back injuries make up 20 percent of workplace injuries. Ease the strain on workers by providing them with a Trailer Dolly and other appropriate safety equipment.

2. Promote education and awareness.

Is safety part of your workplace culture? Ongoing training, visible signage and regular communication help employees to integrate safety awareness in their daily activities.

3. Use proper shelving procedures.

Pallet rack collapse is one of the top causes of warehouse injuries. This can be due to either structural damage or improper procedures, such as overloading pallets. Conduct regular inspections of pallet racks and instruct workers in the correct way to stack and move pallets.

4. Conduct fire safety drills.

Fire drills aren’t just for schools. Warehouse fires cause an average annual cost of $283 million in property damages and personal injuries. Regular fire drills are the best way to ensure that workers know what to do and alarms are in good working order.

5. Have first-aid kits readily accessible.

If an employee does suffer an injury, prompt treatment can go a long way toward lessening the severity. Keep plenty of OSHA-standard first-aid kits on hand in easily accessible places, as well as a defibrillator in case of cardiac arrest.

6. Have good ventilation.

Breathing is something we take for granted until smoke or fumes make it difficult. Install exhaust fans to keep air circulating.

7. Enforce clothing standards.

A dress code usually invokes images of formal wear, but a safety “dress code” goes a long way toward reducing risk of injuries. Workers should avoid loose-fitting clothes and always use hard hats, goggles and other protective gear.

Reduce Workplace Accidents with the Trailer Dolly from DJ Products

Our battery-powered tugs, movers and pushers help to keep your workplace injury-free and productive. Contact us to learn more.

When You Need to Move an Aircraft, You Get a DJProducts AircraftCaddy

AircraftCaddy in Delivery Crate
AircraftCaddy Delivery

We value our customers, and we love to hear when they have had an exceptional experience with us. Here are some of the things they have had to say about the AircraftCaddy.

The Aircraft

This customer owns a few small aircraft including the Vans RV-6A and Lancair Super ES. They came to us because they were struggling to move their fully fueled Super ES especially if the ground wasn’t dry. They said that given the unusual design of tow plate the AircraftCaddy 4k was the clear winner over the competition due to its ability to tow more weight than they needed and a versatile mounting solution.

Receiving and Operation

When it came to operation of the Aircraft Tug, the client was overjoyed with the whole process form receiving to assembling the AircraftCaddy they said, “I spent more time breaking down the crate than I did getting it open, assembling the tug and operating it.” Operating the tug was also exceedingly easy, so much so that they were able to film the use of the tug with one hand and operate it with the other hand. They were able to remove the aircraft and put it back in the hanger all one handed.

The Benefit of the AircraftCaddy

So, what was the benefit of this tug over the competition? This is what the customer has to say “The ACC 4K just makes it easy. Irrespective of which plane I want to fly, I no longer have the deflating experience of having to worry about how I’m going to get the planes in and out of the hangar, nor do I need to worry about how long it’s going to take.” We will let you make the decision.

If you are looking for solutions for moving aircraft big or small contact DJProducts, Call 800.686.2651 or use the handy online chat feature to learn more from our Sales Engineers.