Just as you can lower your car insurance by driving a safer car and avoiding accidents, you can lower your workers comp premiums with tools and strategies to improve dumpster safety. Besides the nightmare scenario of a dumpster tipping over and injuring an employee, your team faces an ongoing risk of repetitive stress and muscle injuries related to moving dumpsters.
How a Dumpster Pusher Can Help
When your employees move a dumpster or waste container, are they using manual force to steer and push it? Even on wheels, it takes a physical exertion that exceeds what the human body can comfortably perform. Both instantaneous injuries and long-term, built-up musculoskeletal disorders can put your worker on paid leave and increase workers comp insurance costs.
An automated dumpster pusher is the best way to improve trash room safety:
• Lower your Experience Modification Rating (EMR or E-Mod)
• Reduce workers compensation insurance premiums
• Keep your employees healthy and avoid costly time off
• Avoid high employee turnover and the associated loss of productivity
• Double the efficiency of trash room duties
• Manage the trash room in less time and/or with fewer employees
• Improve cleanliness and customer satisfaction at multi-family properties, retail, hospitality, etc.
The #1 Solution for the Biggest Injury Risk
Any business with a trash room or the need to move dumpsters can benefit from using a motorized dumpster pusher. In particular, rental properties benefit from using the WasteCaddy because trash-related injuries are the #1 risk for worker injury.
Tackle the trash room, and you can tackle your workers comp premiums. Contact DJ Products for a quote or demo of our WasteCaddy dumpster pusher.