Are you being penny-wise and pound-foolish when it comes to an investment in cart caddies and motorized trailer dollies? While many shippers rely on eking the lowest possible transportation rates out of carriers, there are other more effective ways of cutting shipping expenses, especially when handling less-than-truckload (LTL) shipments.
Secrets to Cutting Shipping Costs
As the LTL segment increases, shipping logistics plays an integral role in cost. Focusing on process improvements sidesteps shipping dilemmas and safeguards rates. These can be accomplished by watching…
1. Pricing:
Avoid Surprises
Knowing true shipping weights is essential to avoiding admin correction fees and fees for overweight/overlarge shipments.
Looking to Net Cost
Don’t overlook fees that factor into total expenditures. Discount rates can be misleading.
Shopping for Simple Pricing
Pricing complexity leads to confusion and excess costs. Perhaps a simplified flat weight/space rate may be better.
Understanding Shipping Rules
Look to cost as a measure of what companies don’t like/specialize in. Choose the right carrier for your needs, looking to predictability in rate structure. Less variability reduces costs.
2. Packaging:
Protect Shipments from Stacking
Shipment condition at its destination is a prime concern in regards to expense. Mark packaged pallets as ‘FRAGILE’ to inform dock workers (not the bill-of-lading). Place a protective layer atop pallets devised to support stacked weight.
Shrink Wrap
To safeguard structural integrity.
Maximize Space
Pack to the maximum height requirement and pallet’s edge – but not beyond. This ensure maximum bang-for-the-buck and circumvent fees.
3. Carrier Choice:
Carrier Specialties
Selecting carriers that specialize in the services you need (national/regional/economy/commercial/residential) saves money.
Shipping Speed
Not everyone needs it yesterday.
Looking for ways to speed processes and reduce labor? Learn more about cart caddies and motorized trailer dollies from DJ Products today.