Close up of a private aircraft flying through stormy weather.
What’s new for aircraft power sources?

Ground vehicles are not the only form of transportation making strides in eco-friendly technology. Before long, your aircraft tugs may be pulling electric planes and helicopters in and out of hangars.

What’s New in Alternative Power Sources for Aircraft?

Rapidly developing technology is advancing a number of potential green alternatives to traditional fuel-dependent aircraft. Options in development include super capacitors that may be able to partially or completely replace batteries, along with range extenders such as fuel cells and multiple energy harvesting.

Electric power is finding its way into all levels of aircraft, ranging from gliders and sailplanes up to helicopters and airliners. Hybrid vehicles feature electric nose wheel drives that turn aircraft into electric-powered vehicles on the ground.

Benefits of Electric Aircraft

• Electric aircraft are quieter, enabling near-silent take-off and landing of feeder aircraft.

• Electricity burns cleaner, reducing air and ground pollution.

• Dependence on foreign oil sources is greatly reduced.

• Aircraft contribute less to global warming.

• Aircraft safety is greatly improved. For example, electric backup could allow a helicopter to complete a controlled landing in the event of a system failure.

Leisure aircraft can be completely powered by solar cells in hangars.

• The aircraft industry has expanded and modernized, creating additional applications for new electrical components and systems.

Electric-Powered Aircraft Tugs: Another Eco-Friendly Solution

Battery powered electric aircraft tugs from DJ Products are powerful enough to handle vehicles up to 35,000 pounds, but they are easy enough for one person to maneuver. Visit our website and use our convenient online chat feature to get assistance from one of our helpful sales engineers.