Looking to boost warehouse efficiency this quarter with an Industrial Cart Mover? Management can take steps to provide immediate and ongoing benefits. Here are 5 warehouse management tips for faster, safer, smoother operations:
Prioritize Cleaning
In a clean warehouse, workers have a safer and more efficient workplace. Encourage employees to clean spills and messes immediately, and stick to a routine cleaning schedule.
Be Open to Feedback
Some of the best warehouse management tips come from your employees. They may spot inefficient or troublesome aspects of the warehouse that managers may not realize. Good feedback channels include daily or weekly meetings, suggestion boxes, and performance reviews.
Generate Data to Analyze Efficiency
Data can help you spot inefficient employees or specific tasks that are taking too long. When you have the data, you can make adjustments and measure the results. Consider adding more feature-rich warehouse management software that can automatically generate reports.
Speed Up Picking and Moving
Employees on the floor spend the bulk of their time in transit — finding, picking, and moving. To speed up these actions, you can rearrange inventory to prioritize different items. Better yet, add an industrial cart mover to facilitate picking and moving and prevent your workers from getting hurt or slowing down.
Fill Receiving with Experienced Workers
Lastly, pay the receiving position some respect and fill the job with warehouse veterans. Rookie receivers make mistakes that create chain reactions of inefficiencies. Senior employees make the best receivers.
Our motorized cart pushers and pullers like the CartCaddy5WP can make your warehouse run better. Talk to a Sales Engineer at 1-800-686-2651 for more info and follow our blog for more warehouse management tips.