Fleet Manager Tips: Preventive Maintenance Protects Your Truck Investment
Fleet Manager Tips: Preventive Maintenance Protects Your Truck Investment

You already rely on the use of a powered trailer mover to protect your trucks and trailers from damage, but are you dropping the ball on maintenance? Keeping your fleet in top shape ensures productivity, safeguarding your organization’s sales and service goals.

Keeping Your Fleet Road-Ready with Preventive Maintenance is a Worthwhile Investment

With regular preventive maintenance, unscheduled downtime and unexpected repairs are easily avoided. This includes pre-travel safety checks (fluid levels, tire pressure) to ensure a road-worthy vehicle. Sadly, this is often the only time the vehicle gets an all-over once-over!

Keep Drivers In-the-Know

Fleet managers are not the only ones responsible for preventive maintenance (PM). Make sure all drivers know their PM responsibilities, including scheduling and policies on how to handled the need for repair, roadside assistance, or accidents. Common areas of concern include:

Proper Spec’ing: Usage, operating conditions, and the nature of the goods carried must be carefully considered to control cost. Operating an over-spec’d vehicle will inflate costs. Under-spec’ing leads to roadway incidents and damage to goods.

Tire Pressure/Wear: Heard often and practiced rarely, adjusting tire pressure is essential. Affecting tire wear, gas mileage, handling, and vehicle/driver safety, tire pressure should be regularly adjusted for weather.

Use Preventive Maintenance to Protect Your Investment Dollars

When a preventive maintenance schedule is routinely followed, it’s easy to see when maintenance and repair needs rise with vehicle age. The way manufacturers’ warranties cover maintenance and repair will affect your total cost of ownership. Comparing maintenance with vehicle worth will help you realize when selling the vehicle makes more sense than the cost of repairs.

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