Trucks without drivers? They may be here sooner than you think, as rapidly advancing autonomous vehicle technology is making self-driving trucks a reality.
Is the Industry Ready for Self-Driving Trucks?
Truck manufacturers, carriers, and the Department of Transportation have supported self-driving trucks as a safety measure. But a recently published study from the American Transportation Research Institute (ATRI) warns that the country’s infrastructure is seriously lagging behind the technology.
The study, titled “Identifying Autonomous Vehicle Technology Impacts on the Trucking Industry,” points out that there is no formal framework in place to cover the integration of self-driving trucks. This void could result in a legal and logistical nightmare.
Catching Up with Technology
According to ATRI’s study, some of the major topics that need to be addressed include:
• Infrastructure funding should be increased to make sure roads are free of potholes and other problems that can hinder self-driving trucks.
• Statutory changes will be necessary for issues such as liability as well as traffic regulations.
• The federal government “must take a leadership role” so that autonomous vehicle technology doesn’t get caught in a snarl of local and state laws.
• Cyber security should be in place to prevent hacks.
Among other benefits, self-driving trucks are seen as a solution to the growing trucker shortage, which the American Trucking Association predicts will reach 175,000 open jobs within 10 years.
Prevent Injuries with a Semi Trailer Pusher from DJ Products
Trucks may be able to drive themselves, but trailers can’t push themselves. Visit our website to learn more about our TrailerCaddy Extreme, a semi trailer pusher that can handle OTR trailers up to 50,000 pounds.