Summer is right around the corner and this is the time of year when people who prefer to be outdoors in warmer weather get out boats, RVs, trailers and campers. If you have yet to take yours out of storage, consider getting a dedicated trailer mover to do so. A DJ Products trailer mover is not as bulky as many electronic trailer pullers and this means you will likely have fewer accidents. With our trailer mover, you will be able to exercise greater control over in a tightly confined area (such as a storage space) and this will decrease the chances go causing damage as you move your trailer. And we when say damage, we mean injury to you or anyone helping you as well as damage to your boat, RV, or camper.

The TrailerCaddy trailer mover is capable of pushing and pulling an RV, a camper, an equipment trailer, or a boat. So if you own more than one of these, you will be able to use the TrailerCaddy to move a number of wheeled items in and out of storage.

Some people are using lawn tractors, garden tractors, dollies, and even retrofitted furniture dollies to move their boats and RVs. You have made a serious investment in your boat, camper, or RV; don’t use experimental pieces of equipment to move them. Why take chances when you can use a trailer mover that is specifically designed to push and pull trailers that require lifting on one end before maneuvering?

Call us at 800-686-2651 to learn more about the TrailerCaddy trailer mover.