The busy times that call for temporary staff also call for the highest level of warehouse productivity and performance. When your warehouse brings in extra staff, use these tips to get the most out of everyone:

Set Clear Expectations

Make sure temp workers know exactly what their job entails and how they can meet your expectations for productivity. Avoid vague instructions and describe the real tasks that are going to be assigned.

Focus on Specific Tasks

A regular full-timer probably handles some tasks that require significant training. Pool your temp talent toward the tasks with the least training. If you can assign a small scope project or break down a normal position into separate parts, even better.

Keep Everyone in the Loop

Communicating with a larger-than-normal staff can be difficult, but it’s worth the effort. If temp shifts do not coincide with daily or weekly meetings, take minutes from the meetings and brief the temps. If possible, stagger shifts so that you have periods of time when all workers are present. Keeping temp workers informed also increases productivity by boosting morale.

Set Rules & Protocol for On-Call Shifts

First, make sure you have home and cell numbers for all extra staffers. Then, touch base with everyone about availability for on-call shifts and establish a system for adding hours. If you might need extra coverage, temp workers will appreciate the consideration and accommodate on-call shifts more easily.

All workers can benefit from the productivity boost of ergonomic material handling products. Maximize efficiency by outfitting your warehouse with cart movers and other motorized solutions.