Employees in businesses that regularly use or distribute oversized products or materials face a completely unique set of challenges when it comes to performing their job duties.  Manually moving any heavy or fully loaded cart can de a difficult or potentially dangerous task.   If the load that you are moving overhangs the edges of the cart by a few feet on either side, the task becomes even more dangerous to the employee and those around them.

Extra long loads of material can make manual push carts unbalanced which can increase the chances for an accident that could result in property damage or a work related injury.  In order to keep your employees and the entire work environment as safe as possible, the proper equipment is an absolute necessity.

A traditional powered cart may help to ease the burden on employees caused by the weight of the load, but will do little to help make an oversized load more manageable.  In these instances a Side Steer powered cart from DJ Products provides the perfect solution.

With the Side Steer powered cart the employee can safely operate and steer a heavy cart with an oversized load from the side rather than one end.  The Side Steer powered cart allows the weight of the load to be evenly distributed which will keep the cart balanced.  Even in instances where the load must extend over either side of the cart by several feet, the employee can still safely and comfortably operate the cart exactly as it was intended to be operated.

DJ Products’ Side Steer powered cart can handle loads of up to five thousand pounds easily and is capable of travelling at speeds of up to three miles per hour.  Replacing an ineffective manual push cart with a Side Steer powered cart can help to dramatically increase productivity and safety in environments where oversized loads need to be moved.