The dog days of August aren’t here yet but the nationwide heat wave means it’s time to review heat safety tips to prevent heat exhaustion and heat stroke. When workers don’t work in temperature controlled environments, heat can take a toll on workers’ health, cause production to suffer and even be life-threatening when workers and managers do not take proper precautions to manage heat stress.

Sweat is the body’s cooling system. As air passes over the body, it evaporates sweat, cooling the body. But during hot weather, particularly if the humidity is high, sweating can’t keep up. Body temperature rises faster than sweating can cool it down. When body temperatures get too hot, heat illness and even death can occur. Older, overweight and pregnant workers are most at risk of heat illnesses, which include:

  • Heat rash where the skin becomes irritated from excessive sweating. Tightly fitting clothing can exacerbate heat rash and the individual’s discomfort.
  • Heat cramps are painful muscle pains or spasms, generally in the abdomen and legs, brought on by exertion or exercise during prolonged exposure to high temperatures. Heat cramps are often the first sign that the body is not coping with high temperatures.
  • Heat exhaustion occurs when body fluids are lost through heavy sweating and not replaced. In an effort to cool the body, blood flow to the skin is increased, drawing it away from vital organs and causing mild shock. Heat exhaustion is evidenced by extreme lethargy, heavy sweating, rapid breathing and a fast, weak pulse. If not treated, it can lead to dangerous heat stroke.
  • Heat stroke (also called sun stroke) is a life-threatening condition indicating that the body’s natural cooling mechanism has completely broken down and ceased functioning. Body temperatures can rise above 106 degrees Fahrenheit, high enough to cause brain damage. Sweating stops and the skin becomes dry to the touch. The individual’s pulse begins to race, becoming strong and rapid. Heat stroke victims can become dizzy, particularly dangerous if they are operating equipment. If untreated, unconsciousness, permanent brain damage and death can follow.

Next time: Preventing and treating heat injury