Portrait of Medical Practitioners
Hospital Administrators Focus on Cyber Security Improvements for Data and Staff

As the potential pitfalls of cyber security have evolved over the years, hospital administrators have more to worry about than ever. In addition to the protection of highly sensitive medical data, hospitals also face a constant threat of data ransom and even weaponized WiFi-enabled devices.

What your hospital does now to add protections and educate employees could make the difference when a cyber attack does eventually happen.

HealthcareDive runs down the top four data threats in hospitals:

Negligence ranging from unencrypted data to employees using shared passwords

Internal threats including intentional harm and accidental loss of personal devices

Internet of Things vulnerabilities, with Internet-enabled medical devices becoming a target for hackers and DDoS attacks

Ransomware attacks wherein hackers seize control of a network and demand payment

What Can Hospitals Do to Improve Cyber Security?

IT experts and healthcare experts must look to technology to play a strong defense, while also teaching good practices to employees at all levels.

• Always use data encryption

• Establish an employee protocol for bring-your-own devices

• Practice good password hygiene with frequent changes

• Self-audit to prevent internal fraud and inappropriate access

• Vet medical devices and equipment for hacking protection

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Everything hospital staff do can impact your bottom line. A hospital equipment cart mover lets nurses and janitors stay productive and efficient, with less strain and injury risk. Run a tight ship when it comes to daily tasks like material movement, and management can spend more time overseeing the strategic decisions instead.

Follow our blog for healthcare news, and read about the hospital equipment cart mover for boosting efficiency and reducing injury claims.