If you are wondering if it is worth your while to invest in ergonomic equipment like powered movers and warehouse tugs, keep in mind the costs associated with work injuries that are related to overexertion.

According to Risk&Insurance.com, employees who work in construction, transportation and warehousing may need a month or more to recover from injury. You probably need all your staff working at full capacity to complete projects, so having someone out can slow productivity. There are things like illness that you can’t prevent, but you can give your staff ergonomic equipment to help avoid preventable injuries that can result in lost work time and lower morale.

The article from Risk&Insurance.com discussed how,

“The median number of days away from work to recover from occupational injuries/illnesses was eight for the third consecutive year, the BLS [Bureau of Labor Statistics] reported. Transportation and warehousing had the highest incidence rate of all industry sectors, although it was basically unchanged from the previous year…sprains, strains, and tears accounted for 40 percent of the total cases, of which 43 resulted from overexertion.

The back was the body part injured most, at more than one-third”

DJ Products manufactures movers, trailers and tugs that can eliminate the pain and strain of manually pulling and pushing heavy carts or wheeled equipment. Our products are less costly, smaller and more maneuverable that traditional powered equipment. So if you have tried other power movers and found that you were less than satisfied, we think you will be pleased with the functionality of our products.

Please take the time to find a specific electric cart pusher on our website, or call our Sales Engineers for a recommendation on your proper solution. Our Sales Engineer will also be happy to explore custom applications where our base products match primary criteria.