Safety first. This should be the watch word of every industry, regardless of anything else. Your employees should be the most important aspect of your business or industry, and their safety must be paramount above all.
At DJ Products, we pride ourselves on the industrial tugs we make. Certainly, they are the best in the business, but using them to move heavy loads means safety first for your employees. And that’s the bottom line.
Physical Demands
Pulling, pushing and lifting impart a high degree of force on both your skeleton and your muscles. Granted, lifting small boxes or pulling lightweight carts is not that great of a strain, but when you get into moving things like dumpsters, vehicles and even aircraft, you don’t want to strong arm them. Moving large items like those, even with the best manual system, may be an accident waiting to happen.
The DJ Products Ergonomic Load Calculator
If you want to find out what it takes to move objects, use our Ergonomic Load Calculator. You can punch in the required numbers, such as weight, terrain, floor condition and other related factors, and it will give you an idea of the force needed to move a particular object. Knowing these figures will let you know what “safety first” means, up front, no matter what moving job is required.
For more information about the easy and safe ways to move your heavy loads around, or for other industrial cart movers or industrial tugs, please contact DJ Products. We have the easiest and safest moving solutions, like trailer movers or small aircraft tuggers, for any industrial need.