Hospital, nursing home and hotel environments can all be very fast paced and hectic.  One of the largest problems that employees encounter in these atmospheres is trying to maneuver the necessary equipment or supplies to the desired location through crowded or cramped quarters. 

As the volume of patients, guests or residents increases the workload for cleaning and maintenance crews increases as well.  Workers in these environments are already forced to deal with tight hallways and small rooms when transporting supplies.  The increase in people and activity in these cramped quarters reduces the worker’s ability to maneuver, making an already difficult job even more difficult.

In order for employees to be able to keep up with the increase in workload they need equipment that can easily handle moving heavy supplies in the tightest of confines.  The powered cart from DJ Products is very easy to control and small enough to allow employees to navigate even the most crowded corridors in busy hospital and hotel settings.  

The powered cart from DJ will instantly increase operational efficiency in a hospital or hospitality setting by making it easy for any employee to handle any material handling job.  The powered cart takes the physical labor completely out of transporting supplies and allows hospital and hospitality cleaning and maintenance crews to keep up with the largest increases in volume.

By investing is a piece of equipment like the powered cart hospital and hospitality managers can instantly increase the efficiency and minimize potential injuries among their maintenance staff.  These powered carts are capable of moving heavy loads of supplies quickly and easily across a variety of surfaces in minimal time without causing any undue stress on employees.