Our material handling solutions are used in a variety of settings, including hospitals, hotels, warehouses, factories, and construction sites. But did you know that you might also be able to spot our products at military installations?

Military and DOD (GSA) processes have a very broad requirement for a material handling solutions. The military needs reliable equipment to help them move materials efficiently. They cannot afford to be without someone because they were injured transporting materials. Plus, they require material handling solutions that make the most use of each person available; instead of using a number of people to transport goods, many of the solutions in our Caddy line can be operated by just one person, freeing up other soldiers to complete other tasks.

Here are a few examples of how our material handling solutions are being used to solve the needs of the Military and DOD handling processes:

• Our CarCaddy Military Truck Pusher can be used to push Humvees and heavy military trucks.

• Trailers and wheeled equipment that needs to be lifted at one end before being moved can be transported using our TrailerCaddy.

• Members of the military can move machinery and materials from location to location using a WagonCaddy Powered Cart without having to carry it or push a wheeled cart.

If our material handling solutions can make the grade for the military, then you can also use them in your business. All of our products are battery powered “walk-behind” units, allowing better control by the operator, even in tight, difficult spaces.

Call us at 800-686-2651 to learn more.