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Military Leadership Must Reflect the Nation’s Diversity

, Military Leadership Must Reflect the Nation’s Diversity

Diversity in the Military

As our country takes a hard look at the meaning of diversity today, should that examination include the military? A former Assistant Secretary of Defense explains why it’s important for the military to mirror the society it serves.

Does Diversity Have a Place in the Military?

Todd A Weiler is a decorated combat veteran who served in both the Clinton and Obama administrations. He wrote about his views on the topic for The Hill in the wake of Army Secretary nominee Mark Green’s withdrawal after negative reactions to comments he made about minorities.

Weiler points out that with an active draft, it’s easier to get a fair representation of all socio-economic groups. While the all-volunteer force has been largely successful, it “requires constant vigilance” to ensure that certain groups are not underrepresented.

Dangers of a Disaffected Public

According to Weiler, a strong connection between society and military is a vital part of democracy. If civilians perceive a disconnect between themselves and the military, they’re less likely to speak up on matters of defense, resulting in decisions that may not serve the best interests of the public.

During Weiler’s time at the Pentagon, he says the standard they used for accepting enlistees was simply whether they were willing and able to serve. He concludes by saying it’s imperative that the next Army Secretary follows this principle.

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