According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs), also known as ergonomic injuries, accounted for 29 percent of all workplace injuries and illnesses in 2008. This translates into 317,440 cases of MSDs for the US workforce. On average these injuries result in the worker taking off 10 days of work. Doing some simple math, this means that the US economy lost well over 3 million days of productivity in 2008 alone. Certainly the number would be higher for 2010. Additionally, businesses will often need to hire temporary labor to compensate for any absent employees. Clearly, the productivity loss and extra labor costs for businesses that rely on manual labor can be quite substantial.
Aside from the significant loss of productivity, businesses are faced with the additional costs arising from injury lawsuits. These lawsuits, at a minimum, result in increased administrative work for the company as well as costly legal fees. If the court rules in favor of the injured worker, the payout could result in astronomical losses for the business.
Even in the event that employees have relinquished their right to sue their employer, as when they accept workers compensation insurance, the company still needs to pay expensive premiums in industries that suffer from high-injury levels.
Another cost that is associated with labor-intensive industries is the likelihood of laborers seeking an earlier retirement to avoid their work’s physical strain. This results in the business having to hire and train new employees more frequently. The required training period effectively reduces productivity as well.
Businesses looking to reduce costs and increase productivity over the long-term, can find a simple solution in ergonomic material handling equipment. Ergonomically designed products decrease physical injuries which directly improve productivity as well as reduce insurance and legal costs. Additionally, with the physical strain being decreased, worker turnover will drop allowing companies to retain skilled labor for longer periods. Businesses that have invested in ergonomic products have quickly recouped their cost with the increased upside of greater productivity and lower costs.
Discover today how DJ Products can increase your company’s productivity while reducing unnecessary cost and workforce churn.