While comprehensive action probably won’t occur until a permanent head of OSHA is named sometime this fall, the feds are gearing up for an expected battle on ergonomics. In addressing an assembly of safety professionals Monday, Acting Assistant Secretary of Labor Jordan Barab said, “You are not alone. We have your back and your fight is our fight . . . there’s a new sheriff in town.”
The Obama administration seems poised to make good on the President’s campaign promise to toughen ergonomic standards and beef up enforcement to ensure safe working conditions for the nation’s workers. According to the online edition of OH&S, a magazine targeting occupational health and safety professionals, OSHA will continue its Voluntary Protection Programs, but is initiating what Barab called safety inspector “SWAT teams” that can be sent into areas in force to insure compliance with OSHA standards. OSHA’s first SWAT teams are poised to sweep through Texas in the coming weeks to add muscle to the U.S. Department of Labor’s construction enforcement program.
According to OH&S, Barab also said OSHA is reviewing behavior-based incentive programs. OSHA is concerned that such programs punish workers who report workplace injuries, thus encouraging non-reporting of accidents and injuries.
Ergonomics will be back on the table after measures introduced during the Clinton years were swept away by the Bush administration. Barab acknowledged the challenges OSHA will most likely face in any attempt to implement ergonomic standards, saying, “It’s a big political football that others don’t want on the field.” He urged safety professionals to lobby their congressmen to vote for the passage of tough ergonomic standards.
Statements made by Barab seem to indicate that OSHA is in the process of revamping its entire standards process. During his speech, he called on safety professionals to share their experiences and expertise with the agency, saying, “OSHA compliance standards, as far as I’m concerned is the floor, they’re irrelevant. You all know better than we do how to move on.” Barab also warned that the agency plans to revise its penalty structure, making good its threat to criminalize grievous non-compliance. “We’re looking at what we can do under the law to increase those penalties . . . and, where it’s appropriate, introduce criminal penalties, as well,” Barab said.
Smart business owners will act proactively to forestall coming under OSHA’s scrutiny by upgrading to ergonomic material handling equipment now and implementing ergonomic practices. To find out how you can protect the health and safety of your workers and make a positive impact on your bottom line, contact a DJ Products’ sales engineer today to find out what ergonomically-designed material handling products can do for your business.