Does your warehouse staff finish the year in a scramble to bring expenses in under budget? Our industrial tugs maximize labor and reduce costly injuries to provide savings all year long.
In 2019, resolve to make reducing costs a year-round priority. Implement these measures in January to make financial awareness and expense-cutting part of the workplace culture.
Optimize Storage Space
Expansion is costly and time-consuming, especially today with warehouse space at a premium. Review the warehouse layout and inventory storage system to find wasted space and make changes where necessary.
Institute Cross-Docking
The more time product spends in your warehouse, the faster costs add up. Cross-docking, by which incoming products are immediately loaded onto outbound trucks for delivery, dramatically reduces storage, shipping and labor expenses.
Buy Used Containers
Used containers in good condition are often available at significant savings from reputable vendors. Purchasing used containers is a good practice to demonstrate eco-awareness and green workplace policies.
Reduce Energy Usage
Conscientious energy usage is another way to save money as well as the environment. High-quality building insulation, motion-sensitive lighting systems and hands-free faucets are just a few of the methods to cut back on excessive energy use.
Improve Labor Productivity
Labor is often the single largest element of any company’s operating costs. Hiring and training new workers is expensive and disruptive, so start a plan to improve employee retention. In addition, cross-training makes workers feel more accomplished and ensures that absences or temporary shortages won’t impact productivity.
Industrial Tugs from DJ Products: “Like Adding Another Staff Member”
Why assign two workers to handle heavy loads when one can easily complete the job with the help of one of our battery-powered industrial tugs? Learn more by calling 800.686.2651.