Your motorized trailer dollies may soon be toting goods for haul by underage drivers. With an industry shortage on labor, officials are looking to up the ante with a bill aimed at expanding the labor pool to include drivers under 21 years old.
License to Drive
Currently, federal law prohibits drivers age 21 and younger from interstate operations. However, following the U.S. House, a recently introduced bill has now been filed in the U.S. Senate that could allow drivers under the age of 21 to hold a CDL license to cross state lines.
Summer School
The Drive-Safe Act, filed by the House in March, would require extra training tasks for 18 to 20 year old drivers before permitting them to operate on the interstate, including at least 400 hours of on-duty time and 240 hours of driving time, logging hundreds of hours behind the wheel riding along with more experienced CDL drivers before they can drive on the interstate.
Move Over
While backed by the American Trucking Associations, the Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association and safety other groups have opposed expanding interstate hauling to under-21 drivers. Proponents of the bill, however, argue that in large states, underage operators are already taking trips hundreds of miles long, yet aren’t allowed to make shorter trips across state lines. They also point to the fact bringing in younger drivers could help address the industry’s driver shortage, expanding their ability to attract career drivers.
Tired of dealing with special licensing requirements? Skip the CDL. Safe and easy to operate, motorized trailer dollies from DJ Products require no CDL, certification, or health card. Reduce your training tasks and increase safety and productivity. Get things moving with the help of DJ Products today.