Plan Ahead for Cold Weather by Winterizing Your Warehouse Now
Plan Ahead for Cold Weather by Winterizing Your Warehouse Now

Winter is on the way and warehouses are more vulnerable to cold temperatures than most workplaces. Employees and warehouse equipment alike can suffer decreased productivity without appropriate seasonal preparations.

Don’t leave your warehouse “out in the cold” this year. Use this checklist to plan a successful winterizing strategy for all operations.

Winterizing Your Warehouse

• Forewarned is forearmed. Walk through the warehouse from one end to the other looking for potential trouble spots. Pay special attention to areas that have had past problems.

• Stock up on snow shovels, de-icing products, first aid supplies and other necessary winter materials. Store them in a spot that’s readily accessible to all employees.

• Develop a contingency plan to allow for short-handed days due to weather or illness.

• Have the HVAC system inspected to make sure it’s in good working order and head off any unexpected breakdowns.

• Check plumbing for leaks and make sure to properly insulate any exposed pipes.

• Schedule regular cleanings of drains and gutters to prevent overflow.

• Keep docks, walkways, vehicle paths and workspaces clear of snow and ice.

• Check seals on doors to keep the heat in and cold out. Consider installing air curtains or high-speed doors to limit exposure to the elements.

• Compensate for shorter daylight hours by adding light sources as needed.

• Provide cold-weather gear for workers and keep additional sets on hand.

• Designate a heated area for lunches and breaks.

• Have a meeting for all employees to discuss winter safety tips. Review the signs and symptoms of frostbite and other weather-related health concerns.

Warehouse Equipment for Year-Round Needs

All warehouse equipment from DJ Products is designed for maximum safety so your workers can be confident of its performance in cold or hot weather. Visit our website for more information.