Protect Your Hospital Property with These Slip and Fall Tips
Protect Your Hospital Property with These Slip and Fall Tips

Safety is always in season, but winter brings a special set of concerns. Hectic schedules, understaffed shifts, and even tracked-in snow and sleet can make a workplace more vulnerable to accidents, such as slips and falls. EHS Today has some winter safety tips for businesses of all kinds, and the lessons can certainly be applied to hospitals and health care organizations.

Regarding slips and falls, the main concern during the cold months of the year stems from wet surfaces. Even indoors, the threat may be greater than normal because people track snow in on their footwear. The inevitable melted pile of slush can make hospital hallways slippery in unexpected places.

Winter Slips and Falls in Hospitals

Workers are more likely to slip and fall inside your hospital when they’re moving equipment. For one thing, their view of the ground in front of them may be obstructed. If they’re exerting force to manually push a wheeled cart, a wet floor is even more dangerous.

Hospital cart movers that use battery power to propel motorized carts can help with this situation. The worker can walk at a normal pace, alongside the cart if preferred. By avoiding pushing heavy carts manually, your workers retain a better sense of balance and are less prone to slipping on the unseen wet floors.

Hospitals can also post safety notices, add non-slip mats to key areas, and hold staff meetings about safety practices. However, hospital cart movers are a more permanent solution.

Looking to avoid slips and falls at your hospital? Consider DJ Products’ electric hospital cart movers to improve safety for health workers and maintenance staff.