Our battery-powered trailer dolly greatly improves the safety factor in your semi-trailer transit yard. Add these four helpful tips to boost productivity while preventing costly workplace injuries and accidents.
1. Strictly enforce a safe speed limit in the yard.
Regardless of the type of motor vehicle, excessive speed is usually one of the primary causes of accidents. Due to the size and composition of these vehicles, even a low-impact collision can result in serious damage or injury.
- Post speed limit signs in visible spots around the transit yard and maintain consistent enforcement of the rules.
- Control traffic with methods such as speed bumps, rumble strips and chicanes, which are serpentine curves that must be navigated at lower speeds.
2. Use signs, signals and markings to promote awareness of safety procedures.
- Utilize the same shapes, symbols and colors, such as “Stop” and “Yield,” that are found in conventional traffic signs. This allows for instant recognition without the need to learn a new set of symbols.
- Signs should be placed in high-visibility spots and kept clean and unobscured. If work activities take place during nighttime hours, include reflectors or other sources of illumination.
- Mirrors can be a useful aid if there are sharp turns or other areas with limited visibility.
3. Maintain situational awareness.
Semi-trailer transit yards are sites of constant activity, where the surroundings change from one minute to the next. Just a few seconds of inattention can mean the difference between safety and chaos. Workers should get in the habit of putting all their focus on current activity in the yard. This includes staying off of cell phones and other distracting devices.
4. Clearly designate pedestrian and traffic routes.
Workplace activities require pedestrians and vehicles to operate within the same space.
- Create clearly delineated pedestrian routes.
- Make sure the more dangerous areas are marked as, “No Pedestrian Entry.”
Create a Culture of Safety with the Trailer Dolly from DJ Products
Our trailer dolly is only one of the eco-friendly tugs, movers and pushers we offer to fit any workplace application. Find out which solution fits your specific needs by calling 800.686.2651 to speak with one of our Sales Engineers.