Are Flying Cars Coming to Your Local Field in the Future?

Are Flying Cars Coming to Your Local Field in the Future?

Will your aircraft caddy soon be toting flying cars? The Kitty Hawk Flyer is touted as the future of the flying car industry. Tested atop Lake Las Vegas amidst journalist fervor, the California-based company put on quite a show.

Potential Use within Urban Communities

The 254-pound Kitty Hawk Flyer, classified as an FAA Part-103 ultralight aircraft, requires no pilot’s license. With just 12 moving parts, including 10 propellers and 2 cockpit controls, the recreational vehicle is a cinch to operate. The Flyer sports no altimeters, fuel indicators, gauges, or computer read outs. With a carbon fiber body that resembles an oversized drone bedecked with pontoons, it’s as simple as they come.

Easier to Operate than a Video Game System

The Flyer’s flexibility and ease-of-use put it front-and-center as a likely predecessor to the much anticipated flying car. Brittney Miculka, flight training manager for Kitty Hawk, said she could teach someone the basics of flying it in about 20-minutes. However, new pilots typically undergo a 90-minute training session that includes training in a simulator, as well as additional training on how to escape the vehicle in the unlikely event it overturns in the water.

Early Testing with Clipped Wings

Kitty Hawk is under extensive restrictions in its early testing phase at Lake Las Vegas, facing a 6-mph top speed, 10-foot height restriction, and low wind tolerance. However, this didn’t seem to diminish the excitement of the company, its investors, and the plethora of journalists who traveled from as far away as England, Germany, and Japan to see it in action. Kitty Hawk officials have yet to release cost and availability information, but the future awaits…

What will you soon be carting with your aircraft caddy? Reveal the future with DJProducts today.

Small Aircraft Hangars Become Market Investments

Stacks of Ten Thousand Dollars Cash
Can a Hangar Investment Make You Cash?

Could you need an aircraft caddy sometime in the near future? The subleasing of hangar space is on the rise, and increasingly popular, due to the potential to operate space without the building and management headaches.

Space for Rent
So-called ‘condominium’ hangar space and long-term prepaid hangar leases offer a great return-on-investment. Depreciating (for tax purposes) and resalable, they offer sky-high earnings potential, with areas near airports showcasing a strong demand for space, as these companies attest:

Ribeiro Companies
Ribeiro Companies’ Quail Air Center offers hangar space adjacent to Las Vegas’ McCarran International Airport. Outfitted offsite, tenants taxi aircraft though security gates to runways. Buy outright, rent or sublease. Alongside available hangar and office space for rent, Quail offers not-for-profit ground-support services. Tenant-only fuel services offer substantial savings: Enough for some frequent-flyers to pay for hangar space. Also in the works: Two-upcoming projects: Henderson Quail Commercial Aviation Center and Henderson Quail Air Center.

Ascend Development
Ascend’s $100-million, prepaid hangar project, 68-miles north of New York City where the cost of living is low, is second to its already operational SanFran Hayward Air Terminal. It will feature luxury accommodations, optional office space, and long-term 40+ year leases. Area airports will provide all fuel and ground services. With scarce land and fewer airports being erected, demand (and value) are expected to rise.

Premier Jet Facility
This McClellan-Palomar Airport in Carlsbad, California spans 15-acres, including 19-hangars offered on a 30-year, prepaid-lease basis. An FBO, it offers special fuel pricing, sub-leasing opportunities, and the potential to operate your business via office space available at the facility.

Outfitting your hangar? Entice tenants with our terrific tugs. Safely move aircraft, navigate tight spaces, prevent injuries and reduce liability with an aircraft caddy from DJ Products today.

Forbes Evaluates the Cost of Ownership of Small Aircraft

Forbes Evaluates the Cost of Ownership of Small Aircraft
Forbes Evaluates the Cost of Ownership of Small Aircraft

There are many factors that affect the cost of ownership of small aircraft. That is why a lot of aviation enthusiasts opt to rent small aircraft instead of taking on the many expenses that come with owning their own plane.

Airplane hangar owners and airport managers can significantly reduce their operating expenses with efficient solutions like an aircraft caddy from DJ Products. These battery-powered tugs can operate on pavement, grass, and even ice. They allow one person to smoothly move small planes quietly and safely.

What does it cost to own a small plane?

Forbes ran an article by a Quora contributor on the costs associated with owning small aircraft. The costs add up quickly and many expenses like insurance, annual inspections, hangar rental, and licensing fees are due annually.

Aircraft maintenance is costly, too. While some automobile owners may push their luck by skipping routine maintenance when money is tight, airplane owners don’t get that option. Knowledgeable pilots can save some money by doing a lot of the minor mechanical work themselves, but aircraft engines must be completely rebuilt or replaced eventually.

Also, aviation fuel costs much more than gas for automobiles and Single engine planes burn through 8 to 20 gallons per hour of flight.

Flying is a hobby fueled by passion

For many recreational pilots, flying is in their blood and their life feels incomplete without it. If you have a small airport with planes for rent, they will come.

We want to help your business operate efficiently and safely. Our passion is providing business owners like you with the best possible tuggers and aircraft movers available. Contact one of our knowledgeable and courteous sales engineers today to discuss which aircraft caddy is best for you.

30,000 FAA Workers to Be Moved From Federal to Private Sector Payrolls

Airline Tugs Make Hauling Planes into Tight Hangars Much More Manageable.
Airline Tugs Make Hauling Planes into Tight Hangars Much More Manageable.

In an effort to save tax dollars, President Trump’s 2018 budget calls for the removal of 14,000 air traffic controllers and an additional 16,000 FAA employees from the federal workforce to a nongovernmental organization.

The White House claims reducing the FAA workforce by over 65 percent will not only benefit taxpayers but also improve service for airline passengers.

Airline industry divide on the plan

While on the federal payroll, FAA employees are subject to salary caps. That led the air traffic controllers union to support the proposal. National Air Traffic Controllers Association (NATCA) president, Paul Rinaldi notes the impact government shutdowns can have on air travel and the lack of available funding to add new controllers when needed.

When the plan was first presented to the Senate, it encountered strong bipartisan opposition. Opponents claimed reducing the FAA to the role of a regulatory oversight agency would be most damaging to smaller airports. The concern is that a privatized organization reporting to businesspeople would be more likely to overlook the interests of small airports. Resources like technical support and human resources would be primarily focused on the larger, busier airports.

Larger airlines vs smaller airports

Small airports are served by small airlines. While most people would not see much reason for large airlines to be concerned about competition from small airports, the largest airlines detest any amount of competition for passengers. Small airports must maximize manpower and be vigilant about finding ways to reduce costs.

Many airports are saving money with economical innovations like the DJ Products aircraft tug. The battery-powered tug allows one person to safely and easily maneuver aircraft in tight hangars. The sales engineers at DJ Products can help owners find the ideal aircraft tug for their business.